You can learn to balance your chakras and to be strong in your mind, body, and soul by doing yoga. Working towards your spiritual enlightenment might seem stressful but you can do it. You can practice yoga to achieve this, or you can do it to be healthy. Whatever the reason, practicing this regularly can affect your life in a positive way. You can see that you can find a moment of enlightenment in your moves, and you can ese that this practice can help you.
You can do yoga to open up your masculine and feminine energy and you can see that it can better your entire body from your head to your toes and it can be a connection between yourself and everything around you.
Crown Chakra Meditation
Start with yourself in the Anjali Mudra. Be aware of your pelvic floor and make sure that you are relaxed and grounded during this time. Notice your spine and make sure that you are resting at each chakra as you go.
Think of the spine like a reed and be aware of it. After you get to the crown of your head, imagine that the energy is shining with a white lotus flower. Let the lotus begin to open with each petal opening. Imagine it opening and your inner self coming out and becoming one with the universe. Let this be natural and spend as much time here as you want.
Sahasrara Intentions
Take time to set your intentions for what you want. Use your vastness, unity, and compassion to accept yourself and to be one with the universe. Open up your consciousness and embrace your spiritual self. Choose your own methods and set your intentions for what you want.
Standing Prayer Backbend
Start the standing prayer with your hands in Anjali Mudra and here is what to do:
- Close your eyes.
- Deep breathe at least 5 times.
- Feel the energy go from your feet to your crown chakra.
- As you exhale, imagine the energy going from the crown to your feet.
- Plant your feet firmly.
- Engage your legs.
- Lift from the pelvic floor and push your spine upwards.
- Lift your chest and let your shoulder blades go into the ribs.
- Open your heart.
- Have prayer hands and move to the mid forehead.
- Let the back body lift and open up to the universe.
- Do this for 3-4 breaths.
- Do a backbend for one breath cycle.
- Return your hands to the heart.
- Finish
Warrior I + Eagle Arms
Start with the Tadasana and do this:
- Put your left foot back 3-4 feet.
- Turn to a 45-degree angle.
- Put your hips square on your mat.
- Bend your right knee 90 degrees or less.
- Reach your arms up to a Warrior I and inhale for 2 breaths.
- Open the hips.
- Bring your arms in front of you and put the left arm on the right.
- Put your arms around each other and do the Eagle.
- Have a deep bend in the right knee and lift it to the heart.
- Do a mild backbend.
- Keep your feet firmly planted.
- Do this for 3-4 breaths.
- Release
Revolved Bound Half Moon Pose
This can be a hard pose, but it can help you with your cross-lateral balance and uses the whole body. Start with the Warrior 1 and then:
- With your right foot, rock your weight on the right leg and touch the floor with your left hand.
- Put your left leg back and your right arm up.
- Go into the Half Moon Pose.
- Bend the left knee and hold the left foot with your right hand.
- Kick up the left foot.
- Lift the chest and open the heart and the right shoulder.
- Breathe for 5 times.
- Let the universe fill you.
Baby Eagle Pose
This is a pose that helps to center you. Start by imagining your Kundalini Shakti that will come from the root chakra and will go into each of the chakras. Then do this!
- Kneel with your toes under your sitting bones.
- Cross your right knee over the left.
- Put your right foot flat on the floor outside of the left thigh.
- Put our left heel on the right at the pelvic floor.
- Balance yourself and go to the Eagle arms.
- Put your left arm on top of the right arm.
- Balance.
- Keep your eyes closed.
- Expand your energy.
- Do this for 5 breaths.
Saddle Pose
This is the last pose, and you should start with your feet on the ground. This helps you to have courage and to be willing to change in your life. Here is how to do it!
- Kneel.
- Rise onto the balls of your feet.
- Sit on your heels.
- Keep your hands on the floor and open your knees as wide as you can.
- Put your thighbones to the back of your body and put the sitting bone towards the front of the body.
- Bring your hands to your heart.
- Balance and feel stable.
- Put your hands in the prayer up position over your head.
- Do this for 3 breaths and balance here.
Seated Crown Chakra Meditation
One way that you can connect with your crown chakra is to meditate. There are different methods that you can use, and you should find the one that works best for you.
To start with this, make sure that you are in a comfortable position and that you are sitting in a comfortable way. You can rest your hands on your thighs, and you can take deep breaths. Turn your head left and right and then to the center and look up and down. Notice all the things around you and be mindful of the things that are in the room with you. Notice how everything is related to each other. Don’t judge, just notice.
After you do this for a while, close your eyes. Go back to your inner self and see what is going on inside of you. Be aware of who you are. Look at what is good and messy inside of you. Go to your crown chakra. Spend time looking at a lotus flower. As it opens, imagine a golden light coming into your body and down your spine. Watch as your spine expands, and the lotus covers your whole body. This is all connected to your awareness. Do this for at least 5 minutes.
Once you are done, open your eyes, take some deep breaths, and relax. Allow yourself to relax in your whole body and do this long enough to feel at peace before you start or continue on your day.
While yoga may have its benefits, this article seems overly idealistic. The idea that simply practicing yoga can lead to spiritual enlightenment is a bit far-fetched. It requires more than just poses; it demands a deep commitment and understanding. 🤔
This article provides a solid overview of various yoga practices linked to chakra alignment. It’s essential to recognize that each individual may experience different benefits based on their unique needs and lifestyle choices.
@InformedIvy, while I appreciate your take, let’s not forget that many people might be drawn to yoga for fitness alone, not necessarily spiritual enlightenment or chakra balancing!
But isn’t that the beauty of yoga? It helps you confront those challenges in a more mindful way! It’s not just about the poses; it’s about the journey.
I think Sam makes an interesting point. While yoga is beneficial, spiritual growth often requires facing deeper personal challenges rather than just practicing poses.
‘Open your heart’? Oh sure, let me just unlock my emotional baggage while balancing on one leg in Warrior Pose! Who knew achieving inner peace was so physically demanding? 🙄
@SarcasticSally, while it may seem challenging, many find that physical discomfort often leads to emotional breakthroughs. You never know what you might discover!
‘Imagine your inner self becoming one with the universe.’ Sounds great, but I can barely manage to become one with my couch after a long day! 😂 Maybe I need a ‘Sofa Pose’ instead!
I absolutely love this article! It beautifully highlights the connection between yoga and spiritual enlightenment. I’ve been practicing yoga for years, and I can personally attest to its transformative effects on both my mind and body. 🌟
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