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Awaken Your Inborn Psychic Abilities Through Meditation

      Do you want to clear your chakras and awaken you psychic abilities? It could be hard to understand especially for some of us who aren’t expert in the area but we will teach you the process in turning on your psychic abilities and clearing your chakras.
 To begin, sit comfortably in a quiet place, arms relaxed and resting on your thighs, palms open and facing upward. Your feet should be flat on the floor, preferably without shoes. This grounds your energy to the earth to help receive and release energy back to The Divine Source. Envision the swirling energy of the chakras radiating color in your body and breath in those colors and energies to cleanse yourself of all doubt, fear, guilt, worry, anxiety, stress, depression and negativity. Take deep, cleansing breaths filled with love, peace, harmony, wisdom, empathy and understanding.
The first chakra: Root chakra, red in color and located at the base of your spine. Envision swirling red energy. Breathe in to the count of four—representing the four directions (north, south, east and west)—and hold for a count of four, then release your breath to a count of four. Repeat this three times for each chakra:  “I am sensing more every day in every way.”
The second chakra: Sacral chakra, orange in color, and located in the lower abdomen. Envision swirling orange energy. Breath in, hold, release and say: “I am perceiving more in every day in every way.”
The third chakra is yellow in color, located in the solar plexus. Envision swirling yellow energy. Breathe in, hold, release. “I am becoming more intuitive in every way in every day.”
The fourth chakra is green in color, located in the heart area. Envision swirling green energy. Breathe in, hold, release. “I am feeling more in every way in every day.”
The fifth chakra is blue in color, located at the throat. Envision swirling blue energy. Breathe in, hold, release. “I am becoming more psychic in every way in every day.”
The sixth chakra is indigo in color; The Third Eye—located in the middle of the brow. Envision swirling indigo color.  Breathe in, hold, release. “I am seeing more in every way in every day.”
The seventh chakra, violet in color, is located at the crown of the head.  Envision swirling violet color. Breathe in, hold, release. “I am becoming more Knowing in every way in every day.”
You can now feel your soul lifting up surrounded by glowing, swirling colors of energies to put you in divine alignment with The Divine Source of the universe and access information intuitively to increase your psychic ability. Practice centering yourself and finding that quiet within to tune into yourself and your soul on a daily basis. Your soul speaks to you! Be willing to listen and be receptive to the messages it offers you.
“I am becoming more psychic in every way in every day.” Practice thinking, saying, and believing this daily basis!

Can A Psychic Read Someone Else Through Me?


   There are times that we consult psychics not really for ourselves but because we wanted to know something for other people or want to help them but does it really works?

“I’m so worried for my son,” Rita said. “He just joined the military, and I know he’s been having a rough time lately. I just need to know what we should do for him. Can you read for him? Does he have to consent?”

“I’m sure my husband is cheating,” Sue told me. “Can you look and see?”

“My mom is getting on in life,” Bill said. “I want to help her clear away negative karma with her family before it’s too late. Can we do that?”

These are just a few of the requests I get from clients to do readings on behalf of others. As we move into the holidays, people are thinking about their loved ones and feeling grateful for family and friends. It’s natural to want to help those we care about, and at times it is completely appropriate to get a reading for someone else. And there are also times when it’s really none of our business what someone else’s future might hold. 

Examining Your Motives

Intention and motivation are key for me when a client asks me to do a reading on someone else’s behalf. I’ll first ask what they hope to gain or accomplish, why they want the reading, and why the person in question doesn’t contact me themselves. From this initial conversation, I can usually perceive the ulterior motive and whether it’s in alignment with my values as a reader.

For Rita, I did agree to the reading as long as she had her son’s consent. He was surprisingly intrigued by the idea, though he wasn’t in a great place to contact me himself for a reading as he was currently in bootcamp. Her motives were to help her son, and she was willing to go to extraordinary lengths (for her, psychic guidance) to find what was best for him.

With Sue, I asked her many questions to determine what was really at stake. While she had a genuine fear that her husband was cheating, the core issue was that she felt the marriage was stagnant, and she was sexually frustrated and playing with the idea of an affair. I did not feel looking at her husband’s energy field was going to reveal anything useful. We did a Tarot reading to explore the opportunities present in the situation, and I drew a card to represent his energy at the present moment. That card was the Eight of Cups, which was quite revealing. Because we addressed her issues rather than the projections she had about him, she was able to enter into conscious dialogue with him about their marriage.

Bill’s case was common, and I agreed to the reading with the caveat that I would ask permission from her at the soul level first, and if she could consent to me that way, then we would proceed. His intentions were to make the end of her life as smooth as possible and positively impact any future incarnations. I did ultimately end up clearing a lot of negativity and outdated contracts for his mother, and though it couldn’t impact the actual process of aging, he did report that she was much less angry and seemed more peaceful.

What Types of Readings Can You Get?

Not all readings are suitable for getting by proxy. Other people have free will, and so fate-based questions like “will he” or “should she” are almost impossible to do with any accuracy. I also feel that reading for people to see what choices the other person might make is ultimately a cop out for my clients. A more empowered choice is to do what they want to do, not spy on the potential actions of others.

Readings that examine energies in which you both have a stake can be revealing, like in Sue’s case. So a psychic or Tarot reading is appropriate once you can get to the heart of the querent’s question. With clients who can’t give consent—such as the elderly, mentally ill people, the developmentally disabled, or small children—looking at their energy fields and doing repair and clearing out chakras is helpful. Reading Akashic Records or doing past life clearing can also create incredible change for their future, if not their present.

Composite astrology readings can be tremendously useful in understanding the energy and purpose of the relationship itself. Synastry—or the comparing of two birth charts—can give clients insight into how they are reacting subconsciously with the other person. Similarly, having your child’s natal chart read can give you great parenting insight and help you understand your child better.

Ultimately, all psychics have to decide their own boundaries for conducting readings by proxy. If you have good intentions that are meant to empower the person for whom you want the reading, then getting a psychic reading for your loved one can be the best first step in helping them.

Ways To Know If The Psychic Is Real


There are some clients who really wants to know how to solve their problem or seek help from a psychic but they are afraid on what they’ll find out and they are skeptical most of the time which will lead them to test a psychics ability.

“So, um, could you tell me something? Like, I don’t know, what kind of pet I had as a child?” Isabelle was nervous, perhaps a little skeptical. It was her first time on a call with me.

“Why would you want me to do that?” I asked her. I  knew, of course, that she wanted me to prove my ability—or what she would consider psychic ability, but I wanted her to say it.

“But you are supposed to be able to know stuff. Then I’ll know you are for real.”

“Isabelle, is this the most important issue you want to address today? Is this why you called? Do you need to make contact with this departed pet?” I smiled so she’d hear that I was gently teasing her.

Isabelle laughed. “Of course not, I’m just, you know, nervous. What if you are a scammer? I mean, no offense, but…”

This is a common situation for psychics. It’s understandable that people want to test a psychic to see if they have real ability. That is fair enough. But—there’s no way to reliably do that, except to really trust who you’ve chosen. Psychics work in different ways, and many of us don’t have the ability to tell you those kinds of facts because being able to “see” someone’s past, their sun sign, or their grandmother’s maiden name isn’t part of what we actually do. Some psychics can, but most of us focus on working with information that will truly be helpful to our clients. But while playing “test the psychic” is not the best use of your time, there are steps you can take to ensure you pick a psychic you feel you can trust and depend on.

Make an Informed Choice

I spent another few minutes chatting with Isabelle to help her feel comfortable, and then we finally got around to why she’d called. She wanted to make contact with her brother who had died the previous summer in a motorcycle accident. I explained to Isabelle that I did not work as a medium, and while I could address the issues that were unresolved in her after his death, she’d be better off working with a true medium to contact his spirit. She was disappointed. I didn’t blame her, but I asked if she’d done any research before deciding to contact a psychic.

“No,” she replied. “I mean, I thought you all could talk to dead people and stuff.”

That’s a common misconception, too—thinking that all psychics will have identical abilities. So here’s my point: do your research! You wouldn’t pick a dentist, buy a car, or choose a caterer without doing simple market research, so why not apply those same rules of smart shopping to choosing your psychic or spiritual advisor?

Psychics have specialities—like a medium, who focuses on contacting transitioned souls or a fairyologist, who works with fairies—and we are real people with different personalities. Most professional psychics have their own website or a profile on a site such as Keen that you can read to learn more about them. Usually, there will be a picture, testimonials, and a review section from previous clients. Rates and anything else you will get for your money—like a recording or download—should be clearly published.

A Quick Guide to Success

Here’s a few ideas to help you choose an advisor successfully:

• Be clear about what you want help with. That way, you can get right into the reading without worrying so much about any time limit.

• Take the time to read profiles, testimonials, reviews, and the “about” pages of your prospective psychic’s website. Look at their picture. Do you feel comfortable with the information and image they present? If not, move on.

• Be certain that working with a psychic is what you need and want. If it’s your first time, be open. There’s nothing to be afraid of! Often, people call a psychic when they need an actual counselor or even a crisis hotline. If you are in crisis, a psychic may not be qualified to help you—contact a loved one or the appropriate agency first.

• Set aside time before your session to get ready for the reading. Afterward, take the time to integrate what you learned and reflect.

• If you are working with a per minute service, have a timer set for the time/money you want to spend. It’s not the advisor’s job to do that for you. Time can fly, so if you are concerned about cost or have your own time limit, keep track!

• If you are calling or using a chat service, don’t call when you are upset. You won’t make your best choice of reader, you probably won’t be able to take in what they say objectively, and you may even spend the bulk of the reading trying to calm down. Psychics are wonderful, compassionate people, and we’re happy to be there for you, but you’ll get more out of a reading if you are in a calm, open, mood.

• Set realistic expectations about your reading and acknowledge the limits of psychic abilities, especially when it comes to predicting future events.

If you follow this guide, you’ll have a good chance of having a positive experience with your psychic. If you have made an appointment with an intuitive or called into a site like PsychicOz, then you already have some curiosity and belief. Rather than trying to quiz your psychic to make sure he or she is legitimate, let yourself be open and see what happens. You’ll likely be pleasantly surprised!

Things That You Need To Know Before Hiring A Psychic For Events


Everyone celebrates their birthdays in their own way, whether it be through ventures such as parties, out of town getaways, treating their family in an awesome dinner, purchasing something as a gift but there are those who wants to see a psychic to know what lies ahead after their birthday or for it to be included in their party.

Just be wary of a few things:

1. Get a co-sign

You can’t just go to the first psychic you see on the side of the road. I mean, you can, but it’s pretty ill-advised. You want to know what you’re walking into, so you can put yourself at ease beforehand. Do your research and ask around. Yes, it’s probably a little bit weird to ask about psychics in the area over Yik Yak, Cluck or a UMD Facebook group. But hey, better safe than sorry!

2. Don’t set your expectations too high

They’re psychics, not therapists. Most likely, they’ll be able to enlighten you about certain subjects pertaining to your inner emotions, conflicts or desires and then give you their little two cents on what to look out for. But they can’t tell you everything about everything, or how to fix it all. Be open to the process and take it for what it is, assuming no more and no less.

3. Just relax

The happier you are to be there, the better the outcome. Sure, in the beginning, it’s easy to believe that the whole thing is really no big deal, but people tend to have different reactions once they actually get in the room. All of a sudden, anxiety or a certain guardedness can set in, so try to remain at peace. And in the case that your sense of hesitance doesn’t go away, just bow out gracefully.

In addition, don’t dictate the conversation. In a lot of ways, it’s great to tell your psychic what kinds of questions you want explored, but wildly interrogating him or her about the most intimate inner workings of your life is never going to work. Keep the conversation to a minimum and just pay attention to the psychic, steering him or her when necessary. You know, just enough to stay the course.

4. Take it with a grain of salt

There is no way your psychic is going to hit everything on the nose. In fact, half the time you’re asked a question, you’re probably going to answer with, “Ummm, no.” And the fact that he or she will be doing a lot of the talking, doesn’t help all that much, either. So, you may feel a little awkward. Try not to hold it against anyone.

On the other hand, if you do end up getting super into everything your psychic is saying, be careful with that, too. Maybe she’ll bring up health problems. It doesn’t mean you have a year to live. Maybe he’ll say your boyfriend is keeping something from you. It doesn’t mean he’s a sex addict. Let it all sink in, while also trusting your instincts.

5. If all goes wrong, DIY or call a psychic company with good reputation

If you can’t find a trustworthy psychic around, or feel as though your experience is a dud, just walk out. Besides, there are plenty of other ways to explore the spiritual world outside of a “professional” help. Grab some friends and buy a Ouija board, look up info on tarot cards, research astrology or study up on how to read each other’s palms. Sometimes, if you want something done right, you got to do it yourself. Or better yet do a research and call a reputable company who has good feedback and choose the psychics that each of your visitor felt comfortable with.

Alright, now go make some memories!

When To Stop Dealing With A Psychic


There are gifted and genuine psychic readers but they aren’t that many so those websites who has hundreds of psychics are definitely ripping you off. Good for you if you find a good psychic who has a clear intention but what if not? Then, you will be doomed to be poor especially now that lot can be easily deceived.

According to CBS news 57% of Americans believe in Extra Sensory Perception. Similarly, in England, the BBC reports that more than half of Britons believe in psychic powers such as psychic readings and telepathy. Whether a true believer in psychic phenomenon or a die hard skeptic, everyone can agree on this one universal truth: There are a great many psychic con artists running money scams, separating the uninitiated from their hard earned cash.

There are no national figures for how many people fall victim to psychic scam artists. For one thing, many people never come forward out of embarrassment. Police do their best to reign in these con artist mediums, but the numbers are staggering and there aren’t enough bunko squads to go around. Googling “How many psychics arrested” returns 1,560.000 hits, which should give you some idea of the scope of the problem.

Many people go to a psychic reader out of actual need. Perhaps they have lost someone very dear and are emotionally distraught. Perhaps their marriage is failing and they are seeking answers — about career, relationships, love, sex, inner pain — some divine communication from the spirit world that answers their desperate cries and eliminates their problems or concerns.. They don’t know where else to turn and so seek out the mystic. God forbid they should choose a common thief.

This is where my friend comes in. His name is…well…let’s call him Mr. Gullible. Mr Very Gullible. While I will relate his tale with tongue planted firmly in cheek, there is nevertheless much we can learn from his experience, and by understanding how these crystal ball blackguards operate, we can avoid falling prey to psychic scam artists ourselves. If we should laugh at our human foibles along the way, so be it.

Welcome To My World

Mr. Gullible had been feeling very depressed – something about his dead gold fish, Moby – and decided to seek the council of a genuine, authentic, got-a-neon-sign-in-the-window, psychic. So down to Madam Ruth’s he goes for a psychic reading, and enters her storefront parlor. The light was low, but scented candles burned everywhere. Airy, gauzy fabric flowed along the walls and beads separated the front room from the darkness beyond. He stood nervously at the front door. Mysterious voices seemed to come from the walls. He could barely make out what the voices were trying to communicate. “Why can I not go to the base with you, Master?”, came a woman’s voice. A man replied, “We’ve been all through this, Jeannie. Now back in your bottle.” “Oh…Master!”, and then a swooshing noise. It was creepy.

Suddenly a gypsy woman appeared from nowhere. The hanging beads rattled, heralding the mystics presence. The woman held one hand open to the sky while the other clutched her throat, her weathered face turned toward the heavens with eyes closed. Suddenly, in dramatic fashion, the old woman announced, “You have come for a reading!”. “Holy cow,” thought my friend, “she’s doing it already!”

My friend has entered the psychic’s world. Everything – the scented candles, the fabrics, the look of the woman – has been carefully calculated to draw him in, to make him more susceptible to what is to come. Of course there IS the television noise in the background, but even psychics can watch I Dream Of Jeannie re-runs. Ray Hyman, professor of psychology at the University of Oregon and on the executive council of the national Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, states in the September/October issue of The Skeptical Inquirer, “Anyone who’s been to a reading knows that it’s quite a powerful experience. A psychic has the upper hand right from the start. You’re entering their world, using their language, following their rules.” For this interview, as well as a fine example of a true-life new-age psychic reading in the modern world, go to jdlasica.com. Same game, different playing field.

Let’s Play 20 Questions

They take a seat at a small table with a crystal ball between them. The gypsy makes mysterious movements with her hands along the outside of the glass ball. She begins to ask simple, seemingly innocuous questions. “You have lost someone very near to you,” she intones. Why, yes. Poor old Moby! “This has hurt you in a meaningful way.” Yes! I loved that little fish. “I am seeing the letter B.” No acknowledgment from my friend. “It could be a first name…or a last name…or a city…or a place..” Yes! Yes! Mr. Moby lived in a BOWL! She continues in this fashion until she makes a pronouncement: “You are a sincere and deeply feeling individual, but people don’t understand you. You are intelligent and highly motivated, but you sometimes let other people’s problems consume your thoughts. You always try to do good, even at your own expense. Women are attracted to you, but they fear your intelligence and depth. There is trouble ahead, but you will overcome it.” “Holy smokes,” thinks my friend, “she MUST be psychic.”

They call this a “cold reading”. This is nothing more than a cheap parlor trick and the psychic con artist is very good at it. My pal Gully wants to believe, no…needs to believe so badly, that he fails to realize that he has given her all the information she needs, and that her final proclamation is just a newspaper horoscope. My friend doesn’t know it, but he has now become her “mark”. In the Monday, March 5, 2001 edition of Time magazine, Leon Jaroff writes, ” “It is a sophisticated form of the game 20 Questions, during which the subject, anxious to hear from the dead, seldom realizes that he, not the medium or the departed, is supplying the answers.” For an example of cold readings and how they work, go to skepdic.com. You could do it yourself. Hey, there’s some free career advice. I hear the money’s good.

Set The Hook

The psychic’s face takes a serious turn. She is hearing voices or seeing something, but what? Finally, she reveals the mystery. “I see a darkness over you. It is evil. It is a very powerful curse! Very powerful!” Mr. Gullible is very worried now. He has already been sucked into the Psychic’s world and he believes what he is hearing. Ah, well. He needn’t worry. The psychic can remove the curse. She will only have to burn a special candle and purchase a prayer card, and she can get them both for only $300.00. My friend hesitates, but the gypsy woman is having none of that, so she badgers him. “Don’t you want to remove the darkness? This curse can kill you! You could die! The curse must be removed!” Hesitantly, he hands over the money as the psychic tells him to return the next day to find out if the darkness has been removed…and to bring an egg with him. As in chicken. Over easy.

As soon as the old woman began speaking of the darkness and curses and death, he should have run away. Far, far away. Adios. Arrivederci. Goodbye. Threatening a person who is emotionally vulnerable is not only unprofessional, but immoral and criminal. There are no special candles and no prayer cards. Find out in advance what the cost of the reading is and don’t give them one dime more, regardless of what they tell you or threaten you with.

Those Eggs Look Yummy

My friend returns to Madam Ruth the following day. Bad news. It is much worse than she thought. There is not one curse, but SEVEN, and that requires more special candles, prayer cards, and some crystals this time. Once again, my friend hears that nagging voice in the back of his head telling him get out. She asks for the egg he brought with him. He hands it to her. She places a bowl in front of him, cracks open the egg and, TA DA!…the egg is full of blood! Or maybe there is a live slug writhing in the raw yolk. “You see!,” exclaims Madam Ruth. “This is the poison…the evil that infects your soul!” My goodness, can it get any worse? My friend is shook up. He hands over the cash and promises to return in 3 days.

Any beginning magician worth his weight in rabbits can pull this stunt. The Large, Grade An egg Gully brought has been switched with a pre-doctored egg in which red dye has been injected. The writhing slug trick is even easier. The psychic has simply palmed the slug and released it into the bowl as she cracks the raw egg. Isn’t that a French dish? Snail in egg? Very simple illusions, but they can have enormous impact on the believer, even causing fear. When you hear that little voice in your head, listen to it. That’s real ESP and everyone has it.

Onward and Downward

The readings continue. The curses are difficult ones, Madam Ruth informs him. She has never seen anything like them. He begins to have readings at her home. At one point, the psychic instructs Mr. Gullible to place a $100 dollar bill into a sealed envelope for every year he has lived and to carry it with him at all times. For Gully, that’s $3500.00 bucks. She asks him to see the envelope on several occasions but she never opens it and always gives it back. He trusts her even more for her honesty and does as he is told.

I meet my friend for lunch. I order the eggs. He tells me all about Madam Ruth and all the money he has “invested” in removing the dreadful curses. “Gully, Gully, Gully,” I say to him”, “the only thing you have “invested” in is the psychic’s retirement plan.” I show him incontrovertible evidence that it is all a scam, a con, a rip off. I produce documents that prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is a con artist and he is her mark. Does he believe me? No, he does not. He is suffering from True Believer’s Syndrome, a real affliction where someone continues to believe in spite of proof to the contrary. “I’ve been to her house,” he says, “and she’s not rich. How could she be stealing money?” I show him an article about a family of con artists in Chicago that owned multiple houses and several psychic parlors. Many of their houses looked like the Taj Mahal on the inside. He is pissed at me and exits the restaurant in a huff. I ask the waiter to bring me a side of escargot and I finish my eggs.

 It’s An Ending, But It Isn’t Happy

Gully continued to see the psychic. Eventually, she declares that the $100.00 bills have absorbed the evil and must be destroyed. She appeared to tear up the money before his very eyes. Or did she have to burn it in a secret midnight ceremony? I forget. I’ve had a little fun with Gully’s story, but this is, in fact, a serious issue. Many people – educated, intelligent, savvy – fall prey to psychic scam artists every day. They can truly feel despair due to the psychic’s chicanery, and there have been many documented cases of victims committing suicide. Remember what you have learned here, and never give a psychic your full name, address or telephone number: With a little knowledge you can avoid becoming the next big payday for a psychic scam artist. At least Gully no longer sees the psychic. He’s broke.

Best Tips On Avoiding Psychic Scams


scam 2Today, the issue of being misled by psychics is by all accounts deteriorating. I am over and over again drawn closer by individuals, some of the time in tears, who have lost a large number of dollars and are pondering what their choices are. This happens to exceptionally practical and regularly proficient individuals; their requirement for help and agony alleviation have driven them to trust corrupt characters who have guaranteed them whatever they wished to listen.

The two most common scenarios are:

  1. Men and women who have broken up with a partner and have been assured that their relationship can be fixed and that the psychic will bring them back together. It often spreads over months and the psychic demands more and more money for esoteric rituals or tools (i.e. amulets, pyramids, crystals, gold coins, etc…). Many people loose their life saving in this way.
  2. The second scenario is when an individual seems to encounter a run of “bad luck” and the psychic tells him/her that there is a “shadow” or “curse” hanging over them and that rituals need to be done to clear the problem. Again, the psychic asks for large amounts of money for tools that he/she needs to use and his/her time involved in such ceremonies.

In both cases the clients do not get any results or their money back.

What about legal issues?

scam 3 featuredWhat happens if the person goes to an attorney is that the attorney will advice them to try to settle out of court and get back as much money as possible, since a judge will almost always rule in the favor of the psychic because such cases are hard to prove. The psychic will bring a good case that they did their best even though they usually verbally and even occasionally in writing guarantee results: They offered a service and fulfilled their part! As a general rule, I also recommend to never pay large sums in cash, but to use checks or credit cards and always ask for an immediate detailed receipt or invoice.

How can the person who has been ripped off get any satisfaction?

People generally feel embarrassed and foolish and go no further. However, I always advice them to go to newspapers, radio and/or Television and tell their story. Go public in some way to make sure that other people don’t go to that same psychic. I suggest also using the Internet and telling their story there. There are so many way to publish Free web pages and easily submit them to search engines so that the word spreads out.

Best Tips On Avoiding Psychic Scams

  1. Avoid Psychic Hot Lines.
  2. Check the prices to avoid a psychic who charges a lot less or a lot more than others in their class.
  3. If a psychic says he/she will fix your broken relationship, take away a curse or change your bad luck, stop! Never go for this.
  4. Check if a psychic has a web site, guest book and literature on their background that you can check out before you make an appointment.
  5. Avoid psychics with titles such as “Mother”, “Sister”, “Madam”, “Mrs.” who promise to do it all for you.
  6. Try to go with a psychic who is not using Crystals, Tarot Cards, or Astrology. Not because you will get ripped off but because the reading may be too general and open to interpretation rather than really about you. Get a recording of the reading.
  7. When a psychic promises times, dates and places, be cautious as it’s easy to make predictions and be very specific, but those predictions may never happen.scam 1 featured
  8. If possible go with someone who has been well recommended to you. Don’t be afraid to ask specific questions during the reading.
  9. Feel free to ask the psychic before you start what she/he will do during the reading, how she/he works and what you can expect.
  10. If you have any real doubts about a psychic, trust and connect with your own intuition. Get out immediately if this is what you feel you should do
  11. If someone tells you that you need to come up with a large sum of money to clear your aura, a dark cloud around you, or bad spirits, or bring your lost love back, GET OUT!
  12. Never give large sum of money in cash and always get a detailed receipt.

What To and What Not To Expect in a Psychic Reading


rate psychic 1Numerous individuals today are looking for exhortation from psychics. Despite the fact that this is a subject once in a while talked about at work or with your family, the interest level has all the earmarks of being high. I act as a full-time psychic broadly and globally. My customers incorporates famous people, kindred psychics, blue-hued specialists, and nearby neighbors. I might want to share a few bits of knowledge into what to search for and what’s in store in the event that you are considering a psychic reading.

The Gifts

There are a number of aspects to consider when seeking a psychic reading.  First, you will want to consider what type of reading is best for you.  Psychics have a variety of gifts.  Familiarizing yourself with these gifts can help you choose.

A clairvoyant has the psychic ability to see images.  A tarot reader works with tarot cards.  A medium
communicates with the other side.  An intuitive works with Spirit and the ability to feel emotions.  An empath has the ability to pick up one’s emotions or the emotions of a situation. Some psychics are able to give you timelines connected with their reading, while others cannot.  This is an important aspect if you want to know when a given event will come to pass. There are many genuine psychics out there who may have all of these gifts, and others who have just one or two. Do not hesitate to ask psychics up front what their strengths are.  A genuine psychic has no problem admitting where his or strengths and weaknesses lie.  Most are willing to answer questions about their gifts and experience in a simple email.

How to Prepare

It is best to prepare a list of questions before your reading.  This will keep you from kicking yourself after the reading when you remember all the things you meant to ask.  If you have no specific questions, that is also okay; most psychics do not mind doing a general reading.

Most importantly, relax.  Many people receiving their first readings are uptight, tense and completely stressed.  This is a result of your fear of the unknown, and it is perfectly normal.  Remember that psychics are human beings, just as you are.  There is nothing to be afraid of and nothing supernatural about them.  They possess a natural gift and are there to assist you with the answers you seek.  The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be for your psychic to read you.

The Reading

Thanks to today’s modern technology, you may now obtain a reading from the comfort of your own home.  There are many psychic services available online by purchasing minutes up front or paying by the minute.  If you’re home with family around, email readings are always a great alternative.  Many psychics have websites, giving you many options.  The old days of charges being applied to your phone bill are pretty much gone.

If you decide to use an online service, be sure to investigate their screening process.  Some sites allow anyone to sign up to provide readings, while others test their psychic abilities. During your reading, do not hesitate to ask questions on points that you feel need clarification.  You should never leave a reading feeling confused or unsure that your question was answered.

Be aware that most psychics will not answer questions regarding your health.  For one thing, the services we work for may not allow it.  Another reason for this is that psychics can only tell you what they see.  A lot of times health-related issues are not revealed; I believe that is a sign that we are not meant to know about them.

rate psychic 2Pay attention to the amount of detail that your psychic is providing you.  It should be personal and pertain directly to you or your situation.  Make sure you are not receiving a generalization that could apply to anyone.  You have the right to end a reading at any time.

Always end your reading by asking:  “What do I need to know?:  Most people forget this question, but it is a lot different from general queries and things you merely want to know.


Unfortunately there are a large number of psychic scams out there.  Keep these dangers in mind when seeking a legitimate psychic.  This begins with the fee they charge.  A higher price does not necessarily mean a better psychic, just one who makes money more quickly.

Steer clear of any psychics that try to sell services such as curse or hex removals.  Also beware of anyone who is trying to put fear in you.  For example, “If you do not purchase these candles and crystals, things will not come to pass for you.”  Be very leery of anyone who requests payment via Western Union; there is no recourse if you want your money back.  PayPal is a safer bet for online transactions, as they work the same as a credit card company.

A psychic should never ask for money to continue or for anything else once your reading has begun.

You would be horrified to learn how much money some of my clients have lost through scams.  The numbers are staggering, and the offending practices include everything from spells to buying supplies to remove negativity.  I have one client who lost several thousand dollars to psychics outside of the country.  These psychics generally tell you that you must send cash “right away” or something negative will happen.

Beware of psychics who send letters, good luck charms, and such in the mail.  I have seen these come from very well known psychics.  Again they are playing on your fear.  Though the communication appears to be personally addressed to you, it is a form letter that many people receive.

Beware also of psychics who offer to reveal winning lottery numbers.  If we knew the lottery numbers, I can assure you that we would play them ourselves.  Here again, I believe we are shown only what we are allowed to know.

In the event that you are scammed by a fake psychic, please contact your local authorities and the IRS, and report them to anyone who will listen.  Scammers give legitimate psychics a bad name.

The Addict

Psychic readings can become addictive in a very short amount of time, and there are organizations that treat psychic addiction the same as treatment for gambling or alcohol.  I have helped a few clients get into these programs.

From what I can tell, psychic addiction generally starts with a person calling several psychics; one after the other, until they reach the one that tells them exactly what they want to hear.  This should never be your purpose when obtaining a reading.  Always be willing to accept the truth in what you are being told.

Show Respect

Please remember and respect that being a psychic is a chosen profession and career.  Do not ask to “test” your psychic to see if you connect.  If you clean houses for a living I am almost certain that you would be unwilling to clean my house for free to see if I was satisfied.  Psychics have to cover their expenses the same as any other business:  taxes, health insurance and so on.

As a professional psychic, I am not there to pass judgment on you or anything you wish to discuss.  Your reading remains confidential.  Psychics generally work the same schedule as you with varying hours.  One difference maybe that I absolutely love what I do.

Keep in mind that we are truly there to help you.  However, we are unable to sum up your life in three minutes!

In the End

rate psychic 3A psychic reading should be an insightful and pleasurable experience.  I take great pride in the regular clients I obtained by not telling them what they wanted to hear.  You should walk away from your reading feeling uplifted by the fact that you have obtained answers you sought.

I am often asked how long you should wait to obtain a follow-up reading.  Some choose to wait until everything has come to pass.  Some may want insight on a different situation.  Only you can make that decision based on your own judgment.

Remember that not all psychics are scam artists; there are some really good ones out there!

Real Psychics Doesn’t Make Any Unrealistic Promises


real psychic 1Psychic tricks can deny you of your cash and enthusiastic prosperity. Give me a chance to disclose to you how fake psychics will make exploitative guarantees – when those psychics are asserting to be Lightworkers however exploits others by making implausible guarantees.

1. Promise of a Cure

Technically, this does not fall under the fake psychic category, but since more and more metaphysical practitioners are blending modalities, I thought it was important to include it in this series.

Plus, I have my own experience to share with you in a moment.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love energy work as much as the next girl.  Reiki, reflexology, cranial sacral, EFT, acupuncture – I’ve tried them all and loved them all.  These are all legitimate forms of energy work, and all have their merits.

But, some fake psychics try to take advantage of people when they are vulnerable by promising that they can heal them.

Here are two warning signs to watch out for:

  1. Someone guarantees that they can heal or cure you – it’s unethical to promise such a thing, and even the medical community cannot usually make such a promise.
  2. Fees are outrageous.  It’s fine for energy workers to be compensated for their time and expertise, but beware of those charging unusually high fees in exchange for a promise of healing.

2. Promise of Good Fortune or Love

real psychic 3Remember we talked about the number one psychic scam of all time – when a fake psychic says that you are cursed and they can cure you for a fee?

In this scam, it’s the opposite.

This is when a fake psychic promises that they can bring you true love or financial abundance by casting a spell or curse on someone else.

They may claim that they can do things like:

  • Help you get a new job
  • Bring your ex back to you
  • Find your soul mate
  • Get you out of debt

Many people fall into this trap because the con-artists are so good at telling people exactly what they want to hear.  They position themselves as the person who can fix a longstanding problem or fulfill a desire.

They may also tell you that they are working with white magic – all for your benefit – and that no one is getting hurt.

But that’s not true.  The victims of this scam are getting hurt.  Not only are they throwing their money away, they are also on an emotional roller-coaster getting their hopes up, only to have them dashed when the con-artist announces that they need more money to perform a “stronger spell.”

real psychic 2As I was writing this article, a fellow Lightworker shared a distressing story about a woman she met who had given over $70,000 to a psychic that promised to find the woman’s true love by casting a love spell.

The victim of the scam is a highly intelligent and educated woman with a flourishing career.   But the fake psychic was able to find her weak spot and prey on it.


Just like in the first psychic scam we discussed, you want to be leery if you hear the words curse or spell.

Every person on this planet is in charge of their own actions – we don’t have power over others.  If someone promises that they can make another person do something (such as fall in love with you), it’s a scam.

Familiarize Yourself With Psychic Scams


Every now and then we get messages from readers expressing that they have been reached by a psychic. These psychics let them know they have some kind of abhorrence substance or condemnation on them that is keeping them from being fruitful in affection, cash and even well being. Typically taking after this announcement is their solicitation for their administrations to free you of this substance or curse and for a weighty charge! Don’t do it!

psychic scam 1We all have disappointing love affairs, letdowns, sporadic depressions and money problems from time to time. This is called life and living the human condition. I have no problem going to a reputable psychic and having them do a reading for me to offer guidance, but this other situation is a fishing expedition from an unknown, and more than likely un-credible, “psychic”. Even if a psychic could see an entity in your energy field, no payment of service is going to remove it! Psychics sense beyond the ordinary senses but I don’t know of any reputable ones who say they can psychic scam 2eradicate the entity or curse. That is not being a psychic. That is being a witch doctor. If we are so negative that we’ve attracted a negative being, then some hard questions need to be asked in the first place as to how this happened. It’s not normal to have dark forces cling to us so deeply that this effect surfaces in our life. Remember, like attracts like. This of course is separate from being in a place that is already occupied with a dark spirit, such as a haunted house. But in that case, we can just remove ourselves from the location.

I know of no hard evidence that curses are real. Humans generally create their own misery and don’t need demons and curses to blame their situation on. If we are in a mess, we should probably spend more time looking at how we got there. More than ill luck, it’s usually poor planning, procrastination, lack of self-control or the inability to make changes when change is needed. It would be so easy to say it’s a curse and then poof, it’s lifted and life is good. More than likely it’s you who has created the situation and after you’ve paid the cash for curse removal, you’re going to find you’re still stuck with you. If anything, a curse is a fear tactic used by the person giving the curse. Who wouldn’t feel a little nervous if some old woman with a gnarled finger and sharp nose shouted some curse at us? But this is old ideas and old beliefs that should be put back on the bookshelf along with the one about Hansel and Gretel.

psychic scam 3Psychics give guidance, not cures. There is no real cure outside of yourself when it comes to personal development. Even a therapist is going to make you walk through your own life-steps and make the behavioral modifications needed to improve your situation. The work is always placed on us. When we give our power away we’re not acknowledging this and in the end, will be taken advantage of and no better off.

If you still feel you’re the victim of a curse or negative being, there is plenty of material on-line (and for free) about how to eradicate this through positive thoughts, light work, healing the blocked or damaged chakras that may have caused the “opening” and so on. In other words, you have all the power you need to fix this yourself.

How Online Dating Scam Works


Is Your Online Love For Real?

dating scam 2

You have to be smart about falling in love with someone you’ve met online. You could put yourself in danger if you’re not careful about online dating. You can lose a lot of money or worst get your heart broken. Just because you have faith and good intentions, it doesn’t mean the person you’re talking to does as well. Many people will do everything up to the point that they will lie about who they are just to get what they want, whether it’s money, attention or a feeling of power. Don’t get scammed! Here’s are some red flags to look out for when looking for love online.

They Don’t Live Nearby

If someone who lives nowhere near you is chatting you up, be suspicious. I’m not talking about someone who’s a state away, but if they live in a different country, there’s a good chance they’re trying to scam you. Don’t get too attached to someone you can’t meet without a passport. They aren’t your last chance at love!

They Proclaim Their Love in a Short Period of Time

I’m sure you’re an amazing person with a lot to offer. I’m sure you’re loveable. But no one can make a real, meaningful connection with you only after talking to you on the Internet for a few days or weeks. If someone who barely knows you says they love you, a red flag should go up. This person is either incredibly desperate or is getting ready to ask you a big favor.

They Ask for Money

Would you give someone you barely know a lot of your hard-earned money? Well, if you’re writing checks or paying bills for someone you’ve met online, you just did. You may feel like you’re helping someone you care for, but the truth is you have no idea what they’re spending that money on. You also don’t know how many other people are giving them money too!

They “Can’t” Video Chat

Pretty much every computer and phone has video chat capabilities and some of these programs are so easy that your dog could use them. So when you’re online love says they can’t video chat, know they’re full of crap. If they don’t have the technology (for whatever reason), they know someone who does. The truth is they don’t want you to know what they really look like.

You’ve Only Seen One Picture of Them

dating scam 3

If you’ve been talking to someone for months and you’ve only seen one picture of them, you should definitely be suspicious. There’s a good chance that picture you’re looking at is not of the person you’re talking to. Chances are they found that picture on the Internet and are passing it off as their own.

They Won’t Give You Their Number

If your online love won’t let you call them, something is definitely up. The most likely have a living situation they don’t want you to know about. Maybe they’re married or have a live-in partner. Maybe hearing their voice would give away their gender or age.

They Say They’re a Celebrity

If the person you’re talking to claims to be a celebrity, ask yourself the following questions: Why would a celebrity need to go online to find love? How would a celebrity, with their crazy work schedule, find the time to talk to me for hours every day? You’re not talking to a celebrity. You’re talking to a person who thinks you’re naive.

How to Protect Yourself

dating scam 1

You can have a legitimate relationship with someone you’ve met online. First, choose someone who lives near you. Are they a drive away or a quick flight away at the most? You’re going to want to meet them eventually. Do an Internet search for them. Find out if they have a criminal background. Check out their Facebook page. Video chat with them, exchange phone numbers and pictures when you’re comfortable. You need to know what they look and sound like. When you’re ready, take the relationship offline. Meet up for coffee or in a public place and if there’s chemistry, agree to go on a real date.