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Making Him Miss You

Making Him Miss You

Do you want to make your partner miss you? Or maybe you are interested in someone, and you want to make them think about you. When you are on a man’s mind, you can become powerful, and you can make them think about you when they aren’t with you.

If he can’t stop thinking about you, chances are that he might become crazy for you. You will always be on his mind, and he will want you. This is hard to make happen but if you can do this then you can speed up the process of making him love you.

How to Make Him Love You

The first thing that you need to do is to show him that you are interested in him. When you have conversations, you need to listen and pay attention. Make him see how interested you are in his friends, what he likes to do and his career. Ask what is going on in his life and let him show off to you.

He will like a girl that wants to show him off. Don’t just talk about yourself but let him talk to you and impress you.


Flirting is something that he will notice. He will notice your body and your movements, and it will make him excited. Kiss him on the cheek and then make him wait. Text him and let him know you are thinking about him.

Take time to spice things up and make him feel comfortable around you. This will make him want to be around you.

Feeling Wanted

Make him feel wanted by you by going deeper. Let him know that you have a desire to be with him and that you want him. Men want to feel wanted and if you let him know that you are thinking about him, he will want to be around you.

Some women become too needy and that isn’t what this means. You don’t want to pressure him or make him think you are being overly needy but just that you want him.

Be Sexy

Become familiar with him. Make him miss you by showing him how sexy that you are. Don’t send him a bunch of pictures but just one to make him miss you.

He will find ways to start getting you to be sexy with him. You need to have a balance on making him miss you and waiting for him.

Have Fun

Men want you to be fun and to love themselves. Send him pictures of you out enjoying yourself. Show him that you love to have fun and that you love life. Make him wish that he was having fun with you.

Go on Adventures

Show that you love to be bold and that you love adventures. Do crazy things and send him pictures to show him that you are brave. This can win his heart.

Men are drawn to women that have a free spirit and will fight for what they want. They want to be inspired by you and they want to have a queen.

When you do these things, he will always be thinking of you first thing in the morning and then before he even goes to sleep.

Making Your Intuition Strong with Food

Making Your Intuition Strong with Food

Some people have disorders with different things and eating can be one of them. Someone with an eating disorder can have a lack of energy because they aren’t getting the nutrients that they need to be strong. This can be someone that is not meeting their own personal needs and it can cause them to neglect their bodies.

Eating disorders can kill people and it can cause their body to shut down. This is something that people often experience because they are blind to what is going on in their body.

Healing of the Body

When you find the healing that you need, the eating disorder can be overcome. This can cause your body to change and can change the way that someone feels about eating. Once you are able to heal, you can see that your intuition can be stronger.

Developing the Intuition

There are different ideas when it comes to increasing or developing the intuition. There are many things that you can do to make this happen and eating is one of the things. These things that influence your intuition can either help it or make it weaker.

Eating to Make the Intuition Strong

The things that we eat often make us who we are. It can cause our health to change, and it can also affect our mental and emotional health. When we are connected to our bodies, we can understand how the world around us works.

The things that we eat are the things that we choose to put in our body. We can choose to eat foods that make us strong and let our intuition build or we can eat foods that destroy us.

Making Intuition Great

Interception is the process of reaching the inner part of the body. This is when the brain gets signals, and it helps to understand when we are hungry or thirsty or when we feel cold or hot or even when we are tired.

Some believe that this is what regulates the parts of our body that are needed to help us make decisions or the parts of our intuition that we forget about. Chemosensory process helps to control the interoceptive processes.

The things we eat can help or hurt our interception and it can make our intuition weak or strong.

Foods that Increase Intuition

There are some foods that can help to make your intuition stronger including:

  • Spinach.
  • Broccoli.
  • Avocados.
  • Meat that is raised on a pasture.
  • Kidney or liver meat.

These foods are helpful because they have alpha-lipoic acids which can help to protect the body and to increase the oxygen. It can help the vitamin E to recycle, and it can help the body to heal when there are injuries. This will also improve the neuron functions and help those that have damage to their nerves.

Here are some foods that are flavanol-rich and are great for the intuition:

  • Grapes.
  • Green vegetables.
  • Red vegetables.
  • Berries.
  • Green, white and oolong tea.

These foods can help to make the blood flow to the brain and increase the hippocampal neurogenesis.

Intuition and the Brain

The brain, specifically the cerebral cortex helps us to have sensory information. It helps us to be able to make decisions and to be more creative. This is part of your brain that helps to interpret your intuition.

When you have a gut feeling, this can come from the part of the brain that has memories and emotional responses. This causes there to be a reduced blood flow to the brain and this can cause your intuition to change.

Restricted blood flow can reduce your intuition, and this can come from things such as smoking, high blood pressure or being overweight.

Intuition and the Hippocampus

The hippocampus helps to make intuition stronger. When you have more cognitive brain function, it can help you to have better spiritual relationships with others and to have better memories.

This is part of the brain that is sensitive, and it is also the place where people can get diseases such as depression or Alzheimer’s. Having a healthy hippocampus is important for your intuition to develop.

DHA Foods

DHA foods can help you to have healthy brain functions. It can help you if you are pregnant and effects how you develop, even at an early age. People that have mental disorders and psychiatric disorders often have a lack of DHA.

People that increase their DHA in their diet will have lower deficits and will have better cognitive health. This also helps with the heart and can reduce the chances of heart attacks. DHA can also help with things such as:

• Depression.
• Hypertension.
• Diabetes.
• Arthritis.
• Mellitus.

DHA has omega-3 fatty acids that work to make the brain, skin, retina and the cerebral cortex stronger. Here are some good DHA foods:

• Tuna.
• Anchovies.
• Salmon.
• Sardines.
• Herring.
• Hemp Seed Oil.
• Algae.
• Cod Liver Oil.

Phosphatidylserine-Rich Foods for Intuition

Foods that have phosphatidylserine is a substance that helps to protect the brain and keep the brain strong. It can help the brain to have better functions such as short-term memory, concentration, language skills, communication skills and reasoning skills. This can also help with focusing.

It is important that you have foods that are full of these items so that you can get and send signals to the body that can help with intuition.

Eating to Increase Intuition

There are many foods that can help you to have better intuition. You can learn to eat healthy and make sure that you are not eating foods like sugar or processed foods. If you want to increase your intuition, add some of the foods in this article.

Who Believes in Hell?

Who Believes in Hell?

It is always a question as to rather someone thinks that hell is real or not. This isn’t a question that even has to be religious, it can be just understanding what happens after death.

Heaven and hell are something that have been in movies, books and in religious organizations for years and years. There are people that believe that hell is real while others don’t believe that this place could exist. Some people in some religions will try things to make sure that they don’t end up in a place like hell.

Heaven and hell are something that is often used in religion. It is sometimes believed to be something to scare people, and many believe that a real God would never send someone to hell. Other people choose to not even think about hell while some still believe that they face what hell is right here on earth.

People often have questions about what will happen to them after they die. The idea of heaven and hell often depends on how you were raised and what your feelings are about God and eternity.

Many people believe that there is a place that bad people will go, while others don’t seem to believe in heaven nearly as much. The idea of hell and heaven is very different and often times people believe that there should be punishment, but that life is good now.

Here are some of the different beliefs of hell:


In Catholicism, it is taught that there is a heaven and a hell. It is taught that the people will go to purgatory before going to one of those places. Heaven is a place for the good and hell is a place for the bad people to go.


In Buddhism, they are taught that you live your life as you live it and there is no reward or punishment for how you have lived.


The Baptists are taught that hell and heaven are real. Some believe that you need to live a perfect life to get to heaven, but others believe that you can go to heaven just because of being a Baptist.

Jewish Tradition

The Jewish tradition teaches that there is some kind of punishment set up for those that have lived a bad life but that there is no real promise of going to heaven no matter how good you are.


Atheists believe that there is no divinity, and you can live how you want.


In the metaphysical world, you are taught that you can be reincarnated, and you can make things better no matter how you lived in your other life.

How to Become Mindful Today

Become Mindful Today

Mindfulness is the act of having consciousness over your present state, while still acknowledging and honoring your thoughts, feelings, and sensations.  You are receptive and one with your thoughts, free from judgement.  Being mindful helps us reduce self-criticism and anxiety, and reconnects us to the present moment.

Important aspects of practicing mindfulness

  1. Your mind will never fully quiet: Its natural that your mind will wander. The goal of mindfulness is to become attune to your present state free from judgement.  Allow thoughts to flow, find peace with any restless thoughts, and always return to your present.
  2. Judgments happen: It’s human nature to navigate judgment.  Work to quiet your inner critic and refocus on the task at hand.
  3. Seeking control is futile: Although its human nature to crave control, it’s not realistic.  You will never be able to control other beings and many of your life situations.  Breathe, focus on what aspects you have power over, and release the rest.

Steps to Practice Mindfulness:

  1. Set a purpose: Discover an intention for the day by asking one of these common questions:
  • What is this feeling?
  • What do I need to be kind to myself today?
  • How can I cultivate more joy?
  • Should I focus on short-term or long-term goals today?
  • What is my main goal for the day?
  • How can I be a more supportive person?
  1. Set your intention: First thing upon waking up is to set a daily intention. For example: “I want to exercise for at least 30 minutes today
  2. Meditate: Meditation can be done anywhere.  Simply focus on your breathing and current state of mind.  Scan your bodily sensations from head to toe.  When you get distracted return your focus to your breathwork.
  3. Notice your breathing: Inhale for a count of five, and exhale for a count of five.  Even one minute of purposeful breathing in beneficial.
  4. Become aware: Notice your surroundings, feelings, thoughts, and sensations.  Purposely slow down at any opportunity and pay attention to your five senses, and enjoy the moment.
  5. The present is the present: Live in the moment, this is moment in time you will never reclaim.  Soak in the experience.
  6. Find peace with yourself: Be kind and accepting to yourself and your mind.  When it wanders regard it like you would a loved one.  Avoid judgements and reconnect with your breath.
  7. Reconnect with yourself: It you are struggle staying focused on the moment, its helpful to take a walk to clear your mind.  Getting some fresh air and movement can help you process your thoughts, and ultimate release them.  Taking time for yourself is helpful.

Benefits of mindfulness

The modern world is overly fast paced, causing people to easily become overwhelmed by feelings and the surroundings.  By connecting to those experience, we can reflect on why these feelings and sensations are occurring and what they are trying to tell us.  When we become mindful, we can identify ways to improve our lives and nurture our spirits.  Be kind to yourself and purposely show yourself love and avoid judgment.  Mindfulness can be done anywhere at any time.  Begin by allocating 15-30 minutes to quiet solitude and checking in with yourself and your goals for the day.  With time and practice your mind will naturally begin to quiet more readily.

How You Can Get Help from a Psychic

How You Can Get Help from a Psychic

Psychics are people that have giftings to see things that other people cannot see. Many of them were given this gift at birth while others have had this gift and learn to accelerate it and get more skills.

When you get a psychic reading, the psychic will use their energy and their power to help you to know what to do next. One thing people often want to talk about is their relationship.

Because a psychic has natural gifts, they can find out with the energy what kind of relationship problems that you have or where you want to take your relationship. They can talk to the spirit guides and understand things at a different level.

The people that are there for a reading can find out what they can do to improve their relationship and to be able to move forward either together or individually.

There is no reason to waste your time trying to fix something if you don’t know what is wrong and since love is so complicated sometimes, you can spend your life trying to figure out what is causing all of the relationship problems and never figure out how to fix it. With the help of a psychic, you can learn things that can help you improve your relationship.

Understanding Yourself

One thing that your psychic can do for you is to help you understand yourself more. They can look in your mind and see what is going on. A psychic cannot just read your mind like in the movies, but they use all of their giftings and their intuition to read your energies.

They can see and feel what you are feeling, and they can help you to figure out what is going on. They use their extrasensory perception to figure out what your feelings are and how to make them better for you.

Some people will hide their feelings and they let the stress of life hold them down. Some people push their feelings so deep that they cannot find their feelings anymore. This means they are avoiding what they are feeling.

Relationships are never easy and when you are hiding your feelings, it can make the relationship harder to navigate through. Avoiding your feelings will just cause pain and will cause you to not be able to move forward.

You need to learn to understand your feelings so that you can move forward in all things in your life.

Connecting to the Spiritual World

Psychics are able to sometimes connect with the spirit world and they are called mediums. They are able to talk to people that have crossed over or people that are spirit guides.

They have a way to make contact with the spirits and if your loved one has passed, you need to ask the medium to help you contact them.

They can help to give you information about what your loved one is feeling and help you to move forward in your life.

Energy Reading

Everything and every person are surrounded by energies. The energy around a person is called an aura. This energy will help the psychic to know what is going on in your body and your emotions.

If this energy is blocked, the blockages can cause you to feel negative. Psychics can read your aura and they can find out where your blockages are.

Everyone has different energies but the vibrations flow on a different level. When you are able to match the vibrations with information, you can be given insight about what is going on with yourself and your relationship.

Understanding Your Partner

A real psychic can help you to know your partner better. They can help you to figure out your relationship problems. Sometimes this happens because you have a hard time communicating with your partner. Maybe your partner has been hurtful or maybe they have lied to you.

They can take the energy of your relationship and help you to find common ground and to get rid of issues that you are having. They can help you to see thing from your partners view.

Everyone communicates differently and when you can find out what your partner is talking about, it can help you to understand each other more.

If you have problems in your relationship and you need to get help, talk to a psychic. You can find one that is reputable and will help you through your problems. Look online and find the perfect psychic for you.

When You Try Too Hard to Find Love

Find Love

When someone is first falling in love, chances are that the guy that you are dating is the person that you feel has been sent to you and that they are the perfect one for you.

This can cause you to go out of your way to make him love you and you might even be one of those people that are always available for that person to the point where you even give up your other friends in case, he calls you.

You might see that you do favors for him all the time and you feel desperate in your soul because you believe that this person is your soulmate.

Doing these things is a natural thing when you are attracted to someone, and you get into a relationship with them. You will do what it takes to make him know you exist and to make him like you back.

Trying Too Hard

One of the biggest problems that many people face in relationships is when they try too hard. When you fall into this, you will not benefit from the good times of the relationship and you might realize that even though you are giving your all, that your partner isn’t giving even close to what you are giving.

It is best if you stop trying so hard and this will cause them to give you more attention. But, on the other hand, you need to understand that not everyone is going to like, love and want you and that is just okay.

There are people in the world that will hate you for no reason. You might wonder why someone would feel this way about you but the best thing that you can do about this is to ignore it and put your time in people that enjoy being with you.

When you try too hard, this can cause you to look like someone that is desperate and obsessive. It is easy to become someone that is always there for someone else, even if you don’t expect the same form your partner, but you have to make sure that you don’t lose yourself in a relationship, especially one that is one-sided.

Signs You Are Trying Too Hard

Here are some signs that you are trying too hard in your relationship:

Putting Him Above Everyone Else

If you are putting your partner above everyone else in your life, this might mean you are trying too hard. You have a life outside of your partner and you don’t have to always be there for him when he needs something.

You need to keep your life in order and balance spending time with him and being with other people, doing your job, working out, sleeping and whatever else you do in your life. Do not give him all the time in your schedule but learn to schedule him in.

Answering Texts

Sometimes answering texts is something that you cannot do at the moment. If you are always answering his texts right when he texts you, then you are being too into him. Talking to him should be fun and exciting but if it interrupts you in the middle of other things, it can be upsetting to whoever you are with.

Be clear with him that you will answer him whenever you get a chance to.

His Schedule

His schedule should not be what dictates your life. If you stop what you are doing and cancel your plans with everyone else just because he becomes free, this will cause a lot of hurt in your life. You will lose friends; you will miss out on fun hobbies, and you will not get things done.

This can cause you to have stress and cause you to have mental and physical problems. Make sure that you put your priorities in order and that you spend time with him and with other people and doing other things that you want to do.

Speaking Up

When being in a relationship, it should be giving and take. You should always make sure that your needs are met. You should be able to have a positive experience with this person and they should know what you want.

You might always give him the opportunity to do what he wants but you need to make sure that your needs are being met as well. Do not expect him to know what you want and don’t expect that he will know what you are thinking or feeling. Learn to talk to him and tell him what you want and need.


You should always support your partner, but it doesn’t mean that you should agree on everything that he says. Just because he says something, and you think he is your soulmate; it doesn’t mean that you don’t disagree sometimes.

Chances are that you have things that you do together but there is no way that you can agree on everything that is said.

Maybe you think that he will disapprove of you if you disagree with him, but if he is that way, the relationship isn’t about you anyways and you might need to move on.

There is no reason to argue or to be angry, just if you disagree, talk about it, and let it go.


Guys like to make sure their girls are happy and laughing. This is one thing about being on a date with someone. Women will try to find guys that have a good sense of humor.

If your partner tells a joke and you laugh even if it isn’t funny, chances are that you will be unhappy because you are not really feeling those good feelings.

You won’t be able to pretend forever that his jokes aren’t funny and maybe you have never found him funny at all.

Once he figures out that you feel this way, he will feel betrayed and that you lied to him. The best way to handle this is to only laugh when you find something funny.

Doing More for Him

If you show your love by always doing things for your partner, then you will see that this is not a balanced relationship. If he is never doing things for you in return, you have to find balance. You need to find a way to do things for him and for him to do things for you.

Maybe you even post too many posts about him, and you need to make sure both of you are being fair in the relationship.


Dating someone means that you know them. If he is not the same person that you see all the time, then chances are you need to stop ignoring his behavior.

If he is lying or cheating, this should be uncomfortable for you, and you should address this. You cannot keep making excuses for his bad behavior and you need to make sure that you are keeping your values.

Apologizing to Him

Sometimes one of the biggest signs that you do too much in a relationship is that you are taking responsibility for things even when he is the one that has caused the problems.

You are always being accountable for yourself and for him because you don’t want him to be angry at you.

If he blames you for everything, you need to pay attention to this. It is one thing to apologize when you do something wrong and another thing when he is doing things to you, and you are apologizing still.

Walking Over You

Maybe you are someone that likes to keep the peace. You might hate conflict and you don’t want to be with someone that is full of drama.

You need to have a balance in your life and if you are finding your soulmate, it might mean that you are with that person for the rest of your life.

Your balance means that you need to be with someone that is there for you, someone that cares for you and will sacrifice for you just like you will them.

Make sure you are meeting someone that is going to give in the relationship as much as you give in it.


You need to make sure you are taking care of yourself in the relationship and that your relationship is healthy. Being with someone that is going to use you will only hurt you in the end. Be with someone that wants to be with you, cares about your needs and someone that will respect you.

Don’t work so hard to make someone like you but be in a relationship that you deserve.

Understanding Beginner Witchcraft

Understanding Beginner Witchcraft

If you are a witch and you skip the foundational or basics of learning because you want to try harder spells, you will not see how dangerous this can be. You have to learn to be patient and to focus on things that you do not know, or you can get yourself in a mess and situations that you never know how to fix.

Being a new witch can be hard and if you are wanting to step right into harder spells and things that you find more exciting, you need to learn the foundational parts of crafting so that you can move forward with safety and security. You need to know the basics of witchcraft before going further.

Why Use Foundations?

People will often want to go to harder magic because they don’t want to learn the foundations. This can be one of the most detrimental things that you can do in your life, and it can cause you to mess up majorly. Once you learn the basics, you can change the way that you do your crafting, and you can avoid things that can cause you harm.

When you learn the things that are harder first, you will be able to see things differently and you will see that you can use your skills to master new things. As you look at the different areas of crafting you can learn things fast, and you can get past the learning of the foundations and start learning the harder things.

Learning in order is important. You learn the hard things first such as the dangers of crafting and then you learn how to be safe and what you can do when things go wrong. Once you are able to do that well, you can learn how to face challenges and how to grow and become better at your magic.

These skills are foundational, and they are very important for you to learn. Once you know these skills like the back of your hand, everything else will be easier. You will automatically have knowledge that you need to move forward, and they will give you a solid foundation that can help you to be more confident in what you are doing.

Then, when time permits, you will be able to handle anything that comes to you, and you will be able to use your knowledge to practice the way that you want to. You will achieve whatever you want to learn in your magic.

Steps of Witchcraft

When you are ready to learn witchcraft, you need to look at the different steps and learn them. Even if you don’t become a master, as long as you have the basics you can move forward to the next step. You will want to go over these steps over and over again and you will want to use this as part of your life and your journey in your crafting.

If you find that you have to do the same step over and over then that is okay. Focus on what you need to learn and learn each step. A good witch will keep trying this even if they have to repeat it so that they can get good.

Some witches need to have many years to learn the basics, and some will learn them fast. You can go over the steps again and again and you will keep learning these steps. Find out what you can learn and what it will serve you in your life. The beginning of your journey is all about learning the basics.


Some people are surprised that they have to learn about safety when doing magic, but this is very important. There are some dangers that come with doing magic and when you are able to protect yourself, you will be able to do magic when you are at a lower level. Do you know that if you don’t burn incense and candles right that you can get burnt or burn your house down? Did you know that you have parts of your house that are fireproof that you can do your crafting in?

Do you have extinguishers in your home that you know where they are? Do you know how to vent your home when you are smudging? You need to always make sure that you, your spouse, your pets, and your children are safe. Some things that people use in magic can be harmful to pets such as birds and reptiles.

Do you know what kind of ingredients you can eat, and which kinds are poisonous to your body? There are some things that you should never even put on your skin. Do you know what you can use when you burn? Some things can be toxic just to breathe. Do you know what kind of knife you can use to safely carve? Do you know about what you should wear when you burn things so that you don’t catch your clothing on fire?

Do you know what to do when you have insects or rodents that have infested your home? Do you know how to know if you have a haunting or if you have carbon monoxide poisoning?  Even though these things might not seem like they work with magic, the truth is these are things that you need to know before you go doing spells such as banishing spells. If you are getting sick from things in your home, you need to know that this is something that you can solve without using magic.

The great thing is that when you learn these things that you can move on to bigger things. You can find out what is dangerous and what is safe, and you can focus on things that will make you do magic better. You can see that you can be safe in all the things that you do as long as you know the safety procedures. These are skills that you need to know before you move on.

Magical Hygiene

Now that you have learned all of that, you have to learn magical hygiene. This is a skill that you have to keep your life safe and to make sure that you are able to do your magic. You need to make sure that you are always safe and sound when you do your magic and that you are able to do things such as warding, cleansing, and banishing without getting hurt.

Cleansing is a way that you can get rid of energies that are negative and replace them with positive things. This is something that you can do easily, and you can do this when you are going to do magic. You should start teaching of your magic practices with cleansing because it is like starting with a blank page. You never have to worry about your energy getting gross or stagnant and messing up your spells because you will be able to cleanse and be strong.

You will not have to worry about energy in your home or spirits messing up your magic because you will prevent this from happening before it can even come out that. When you cleanse on a regular basis you will see that this will keep your area clean and healthy and will help you in all ways.

Warding is a way that you can make boundaries around you, and you can keep outside negativity out of your home. You can do this in a way that is like locking people outside and not letting them in your home. You don’t want spirits to just come into your home and you want to make sure that you keep them out and you can do this by warding. You can cast a circle and ward out any spirits and keep your spells and yourself and your home safe.

Grounding is a way that you can keep the energy in your body safe. You can make sure that your chakras are balanced and that you do not have too much or too little energy. You can know that you need to be grounded when you have symptoms such as feeling bad, not being able to get enough rest and not feeling safe. When you feel that things around you are not safe, you might need to ground so you can know you are in a good place before you do spells.

Banishing is a way that you can get rid of spirits or energies that will not leave. You will not want these things in your life and if you want to get rid of them, sometimes you have to banish them. This is something that can be more advanced and if you have spirits that are angry, you will need to know what to do to get rid of them.

You can find banishing spells that work better than others and that use different materials. It is up to you as a witch to find out what you need to make these things happen. This is why getting the basics is the best.


It is important that as a witch that you read. There is magic all around you and when you learn more the more you will be able to do. Take classes online, read books, read articles, listen to podcasts. Get whatever information that you can get about all the magic you can learn.

You can focus on the things that you do not know and when you do this, you can be practicing different spells and focusing on learning the things that you don’t know, or you need more information on.

The learning helps you in two different ways. The first way is that it takes any spaces that you are confused about, and it gives you knowledge there. You can move forward in your magic, and you can learn to get different information that can fill in anything that you are not sure about. When you don’t understand something or you get afraid of something in magic, you can learn more about that and you can learn to fight back. You need to be confident in what you do, and you can prevent bad things from coming to you if you learn.

The second reason to learn more things is so that you can expose yourself to different types of magic. Once you learn different ways to do magic you will be able to know a little bit of everything. There are different kinds of magic such as crystal magic, folk magic, traditional magic, tools of divination, astrology and more and you need to know something about each of these things. The more you find out about these things the more interest you will have in the practices that you do.

If you find something new, chances are that you will want to try it out and you will begin to focus on the traditional witchcraft that has to do with these things. These things are right at your fingertips, and you can use them to benefit your magic.


A cornerstone is a place where you can do your witchcraft and a place where you can feel that you are involved and stable. You can do a cornerstone and take time to practice because this is something that is not easy to learn. You need to find a cornerstone that you choose, and it will help you to learn to know your crafting better.

What is a cornerstone practice? This is when you repeat something each day. This is a rhythm that you will do, and it will help you to understand your lunar cycles. When you do a ritual for a new moon, this is a magical thing that you will do that works with a rhythm and as you do a cornerstone practice you will see that you can do it each day or even weekly or monthly. Here are some cornerstone practices that are good to try:

  • Lunar rituals.
  • Ancestor veneration.
  • Candle manifestation spells.
  • Coffee rituals in the morning.
  • Tarot readings.
  • Spell jars.
  • Candle spells that you do over and over.
  • Cleansing rituals.
  • Energy work.
  • Meditating.
  • Monthly group rituals.
  • Spirit classes.
  • Sessions on grimoire.

There is no way that you can choose something wrong to do and you have to find what fits in your life and in your heart. Get involved with your crafting and you can see that you will be free to try new things and to feel more creative.

Set Goals

You need to make sure that you are starting to get deeper into what you believe in. Focus on your magic and look to find a goal that you want to reach. This can be to find a soulmate or to make new magic or to learn a new spell. Figure out what you want and find ways that you can be successful. Whatever you want to do, do it and try it out. Try things such as crystal or herbal magic. Do different ceremonies and focus on what you want to achieve in your magic quest.

Pick a goal and focus on it. Make a plan that you actually take action to make something happen and do it. You will reach your goals and you will see that you can become strong. Once you work hard and you get past your foundations, you will see that you can work towards bigger and better things. You will be able to take power and control in your life and use your magic to make your life better.

If you take steps to follow the foundations of the crafting, then you will see that you can get to the point where you can do spells beyond anything that you ever imagined. You will become the best crafter that you can be if you are patient and if you take time to be the best you can be.

What Are Aura Colors and What They Mean?

Aura Colors

The aura is the energy field that surrounds you and each aura looks different. The aura is made up of different colors and each of the colors have to do with your mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing.

Auras come in different colors and the colors can represent what is going on inside of a person or what they are feeling. Sometimes an aura color can tell if someone is gifted in their life.

Aura Colors

Each aura color is different, and you can know certain things about someone when you look at their aura. The colors can tell you what someone is feeling or thinking or how spiritual they are. It can even tell you if someone is sick.

Colors have different meanings and when you have a different feeling, thought or mood, your aura color can change. That is one reason why being able to read your aura is important so that you know what you need to improve.

Some believe that there are 14 different aura colors. Some colors are not as common as others, but other colors are very popular in an aura.

Here are the 14 main aura colors:

  • Purple
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Pink
  • Brown
  • Grey
  • Black
  • White
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Rainbow

Each color has a different meaning and can express what someone is feeling deep inside of themselves. Once we can understand the colors better, we can find out how to have peace in our lives.

When you are not in tuned with your emotions, it can be harder for you to know and understand your aura and what it means but if you can learn to understand the colors then it can benefit you just as much.

Your aura can show different colors at once depending on the different things you are feeling.

Aura Color Meanings

Here are the meanings of the 14 different aura colors:


A purple aura can mean that you are more aware of who you are spiritually. If you have love or you are going through your awakening, you might see purple as your color.


Blue can mean that you are intuitive and that you have psychic giftings. It can also mean that you are becoming more stable in life.


Green is a color that can mean that you can heal and that you are good at healing others. This can also mean that you work in a profession where you heal such as a doctor or a therapist.


Yellow is a bright color, and it can mean that you are going through your awakening. It can also mean you are fun.


The color orange can mean you are healthy and that you live a good life. It can mean you are confident and, you are positive.


Red aura colors can mean negative energies are around you. This is a powerful color, and it can show you that you need to get rid of negativity in your life.


Pink is a color that can mean you are spiritual, and you are aware of your life. It can also mean you are falling in love.


Brown can mean that you are having things happen in your life that you are not sure of. It can also mean that you have situations that you have anxiety about.


A grey aura can mean that you have blockages in your mind, body, or soul. It can mean that you have energy that you need to let out.

Grey is something that can symbolize anger or resentment. It can be something you need to deal with.


A black aura is a negative aura. This can mean you have unforgiveness or other negativity that you are dealing with.

If you have a black aura, you need to let go of some things.


White is a rare aura color, and it is someone that has went from physical to spiritual. Even though you don’t see this color often, it can help you to know that you are on the right path in your spiritual being.

Silver and Gold

Silver and gold auras can mean that your vibrations are strong. It can mean you have good relationships with other people and that you are happy.


A rainbow aura is one that is rarely seen. This means you are very spiritual and that you are special. This is a unique color for anyone, and most people do not have this color in their life.

When you are more spiritually connected, chances are that you will have a stronger aura and you will be able to see a variety of colors.

When you understand each of the colors you can see that when your aura is strong that you will have better emotions.

If you are in a place where you want to know more about your mind, body, and soul, figure out what your aura color is and what is going on inside of you.

How to Use Intuition to Meditate and Find Joy

Use Intuition to Meditate and Find Joy

Meditation is something that can help you in your mind, body, and soul. Meditation helps to give you guidance and helps you to know what your inner being is saying to you. It can also help you to get rid of mind chatter and to stay calm.

People that meditate are often trying to connect with their inner being. They will do this to get rid of anxiety and to find peace and joy in their life.


Everything that you see is full of energy and these things also are full of energy even if you aren’t aware of it:

  • What you think.
  • Thoughts.
  • Emotions.
  • Words.
  • Actions.
  • Dreams.
  • Desires.
  • Prayers.
  • Meditations.
  • Chants.
  • Affirmations.

The way that you think, the emotions that you feel and what you do to take action when something is going on all has energy.


Meditating can help you to have a better life. It can help you to have calmness and peace.

Thoughts and Intuition

There is a difference between thinking and your intuition. Intuition is something that comes from inside of you such as an image or an emotion. Thinking is something that is physical and something you are aware of.

Meditation will help you to know the difference between a thought an intuition so that you can respond the right way.

Getting Rid of Stress

If you want to get rid of stress fast, you can meditate. Meditation is scientifically proven to get rid of stress fast.

The more you meditate, the better you get at it. If you find that you have a hard time focusing, if you meditate more and more, you will get better and keeping relaxed longer and you will have less stress.

When you are meditating you will see that it will lower your stress, increase your joy, make you more optimistic, help to balance your hormones and give you more energy.

Easy Meditation

Meditation is not hard, but it takes practice. You should start with short periods of time and then get longer each time.

How to Meditate

You need to always make sure that you are focusing on your breathing when you start meditating. You will see that you can start with Annapana which is a Buddhist way of meditating, and it helps you to reach a quiet mind faster. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Go in places that will not distract you.
  • Find a comfortable position where you are not going to get tired fast.
  • Use your thumb and index finger and put them together which is called mudra.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Pay attention to your breathing.
  • Breathe each breath in and out.

You will think and your mind will not be clear at first but the more you practice the clearer your mind will be.

Each time you meditate it will be a different situation and the more you are aware of your breathing, the better chance you have to focus.

Meditating helps you to be present in your life and to be more mindful of your thoughts.

Guided Meditation

There are different kinds of meditation where you can do your own or you can do guided meditation. Guided meditation is different because it often includes playing a CD or listening to someone talking.

Here are the great things about guided meditation:

  • Helps you to be calm.
  • Takes away your stress.
  • Helps you to build better relationships.
  • Increases your health.
  • Helps you to increase your spirituality.


Find somewhere online to do guided meditation and let it bring peace and fulfillment to your life.

How to Know if You are a Psychic

How to Know if You are a Psychic

Are you someone that believes in the psychic powers of others, and you wonder if you have a psychic gifting of your own? Einstein in the early 1900’s discovered that everything has energy and that means that people, things and everything around us is made up of energy.

When you understand that everyone is made of energy, you realize that you can work off the energy to find things out like psychics who do their readings off of energy. Everyone can be a psychic all you have to do is to tune into your energy.

A psychic will rely on the energy that is in the universe and their own internal energy or their intuition in order to give messages to those that seek answers.

Psychics do not just tell you what is going to happen in the future, but they will have to take time to read your energy so that they can know more about you.

A psychic can predict things based on the things such as energy that they cannot see. When you visit a psychic, you might not want to answer the questions that they give you because you believe that if they know facts about you then they are giving you a true reading.

If a psychic is asking you questions though, they are just trying to connect with you and read your energy. Sometimes psychics can know more about you by asking questions because it makes your energy more open, and it allows them to give you a better reading.

Just because you don’t answer their questions doesn’t mean that they will not be able to give you a reading it just means that they might have a harder time connecting to your energy.

If you get a reading that doesn’t give you the answers that you hoped for, it doesn’t mean that your psychic is a fraud, it just means that your psychic is not able to connect with your energy and this could happen because:

  • They cannot connect with their energy like they should be able to.
  • The client is blocking them from accessing their energy.

A psychic that is good at their job will be able to connect with the energy of others through their intuition. This allows them to be a good reader. Psychics are not magical and most of the time they are able to know things because of the energy that you emit. They are people that have spent time developing their giftings and they have worked hard to become good readers.

You also have the abilities to expand and develop the psychic giftings that you have.

Here are some signs that you have psychic abilities:


You are able to know if someone is lying by talking to them. You just know that you know that they aren’t telling the truth.

Déjà vu

You are someone that has experienced déjà vu where you feel that you have met someone before or been to a place that you do not recall being at.


You have dreams that seem very real. This can be messages from your spirit guides to tell you something.


Someone that has strong intuition has the chances to increase their psychic giftings. Intuition is a gift that the universe gives you.

Feelings and Emotions

You might be someone that can pick up the emotions and feelings of others. You can feel what they are feeling, sometimes even physically.

Paranormal Experiences

You might not have seen a ghost but maybe you have seen things that you were not able to explain.

Colors or Lights

Some people with psychic giftings are able to see lights or flashes of color around them. This can be the aura of others, or it can be spirits going by you.

Feeling Different

You may have not ever felt like you fit in with people and that you were an outcast. Maybe you belong to another planet or to the stars.


You are someone that doesn’t fear death and you wonder what happens when someone dies.

Taste and Smell

Some people are able to taste and smell things that others cannot. This is one kind of psychic giftings that people have sometimes.


If you want to know what kind of gifting you have, you can look online and find out more about psychic gifts. There are ways that you can develop your giftings and where you can get stronger. The more connected you are with yourself and with the universe, the more intuition that you can have.

If you have any of the signs above, you might be going through your enlightenment or your spiritual awakening. Being aware of your giftings can help you to grow in your spiritual self and reach things that you never thought you could do.