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The Dissimilarity between Mystical Advisors and Clairvoyants

The Dissimilarity between Mystical Advisors and Clairvoyants

What is a Mystical Advisor?

The Dissimilarity between Mystical Advisors and ClairvoyantsIn the ancient days, this referred to being religiously attached to values or things that related to the spirit and not materialistic or worldly things. Nevertheless, mystically has been considered a concept of reaching high levels of consciousness since it has developed over time. An individual who is spiritual is considered to be more connected to nature, God and even himself.

An individual who helps in discovering the process of spirituality is known as a mystical advisor. They are trained to provide guidance in a person’s mystical journey. Human expressions and human success are balanced through the art of spirituality of which they are the one who helps in practice.

The word ‘spirituality’ was first used in the 5th century in the Bible; it meant being actively involved with Godly matters through the help of the Holy Spirit. In the 11th century, however, it possessed a different meaning, that is, it referred to the mental aspect of life, unlike the material aspect. This new meaning was described by the words “the ecclesiastical sphere of light against the dark world of matter.” The implication of the analysis of emotions and mentality of the mystical life began in the 13th century. This however changed in the 18th century and a person was regarded spiritual only if he was a staunch Christian, unlike others. Religion was later separated from spirituality in the 20th century when it was said that it’s through free expression and meditation that one was able to realize his or her true self and knows better one’s self through a mixture of eastern religions.

What is clairvoyant?

Clairvoyant also means psychic. Derived from the Greek word pyschikos, it refers to the mind of a human being or psyche. A clairvoyant is an individual who uses mystical gifts to unleash underlying meanings and messages that can’t be normally seen or identified.

Since the old days, foretelling the future has always been part of the human world. Astrology where stars and planets powers were used to envision the human activities and earthly matters was the earliest civilization of prediction. The astrologers, later on, said that they have the capability of predicting the future without necessarily using those celestial objects. They gave their predictions and readings in relation to future visions. They had titles such as prophets or seers then later psychics or clairvoyants.

There is a belief that this psychics ability was largely appreciated by people and that they got their powers from a god or goddess. It is historically believed that these clairvoyants held special positions in the palaces and gave advises to the kings in relation to decision making. They were however punished in case a reading never came to pass. They were mainly advisors and priests.

Each and every clairvoyant has different capability.

The dissimilarity between mystical advisors and clairvoyants is clearly depicted through their characteristics.

Mystical Advisors Characteristics   

  • They are completely selfless and not materialistic.
  • Since mystical love is the heart of spirituality, Mystical advisors as so full of spiritual affection.
  • They practice a lot on how to help others and share the love.
  • They do not request for any assistance or any kind of return for the services they offer. This is due to the fact that they are not materialistic.
  • They do not portray themselves as seers or prophets due to their respect and love of God.
  • They depend on their own because they trust in God and depend only on him.
  • They mean whatever they say and do not fool people.

Clairvoyants Characteristics

  • They give readings in relation to the client’s questions and types.
  • They want to be paid for their services.
  • Unlike spirituality which is an innate feeling, psychics’ abilities are developed.
  • Their abilities require a lot of time to be mastered.
  • They have very sensitive personalities and are physical aware.
  • Mystical advisors deeply meditate and deeply connect with the surroundings while clairvoyants are normal people just like other human beings.
  • It’s only those who seek psychics who get their services while spiritual advisors are God’s people and their only objective is to help others.

There are many dissimilarities between Mystical Advisors and Clairvoyants as shown above. They are appropriate for different reasons. And even though they are different they still belong to one family.

Getting the best out of your psychic reading

Getting the best out of your psychic reading

If you have decided to get a psychic reading, there is a lot to think about.  There are many people with many different gifts.

So how do you know how to pick a psychic and what should you expect from your reading?

  1. Be realistic and don’t set yourself up for failure

Getting the best out of your psychic readingYou may be setting your sights too high if you expect something ultra specific like having your Aunt Debra on your father’s side come in and tell a medium that she called you Schmoopy.

First of all, a medium doesn’t decide what information gets to them. That is up to the spirit.  All you can do for this type of reading is relax and let your energy do the rest. If you are too closed up, the medium may not be able to connect.

The best thing you can do is to relax and allow the energy to flow. It’s okay to be a little nervous at the beginning (especially if you’ve never had a reading before), but you want to let go and allow your energy to connect with the reader; allow your guides, Angels and loved ones to connect with the reader. If your energy is sealed tight and you are not willing to be open to the information coming through, your reading will likely not be very good at all.

  1. Be sure you ask the right questions.

The whole reason you are seeking psychic guidance is because you want answers and information.  Ask an open ended questions instead for yes and no questions. Prepare questions in advance so you don’t find yourself confused and on the spot. No matter what questions you may have you should keep an open mind about what comes through.

  1. Take note

Getting the best out of your psychic readingIt’s certainly ok to write things down.  Your psychic may record the session, but taking notes will help you center one what resonates with you. Take advantage of the flow of energy as it surrounds your thoughts. Be sure to ask your psych about the recording and note taking.

  1. Make a good connection.

A good connection is more than the psychic energy that you are gathering between yourself and your advisor. You also need to make sure that you are in tune with each other physically. Leave your phone behind or at least turn it off. You owe it to yourself to truly commit to the connection

  1. Be there and be aware

When you schedule a reading, show up on time.  Be ready spiritually. Be your best, fully aware self. Do not show up under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you have to cancel, please phone ahead. The psychic has given up time for you.

  1. Get rid of distractions.

Make sure you schedule your time wisely.  Pick a time for your reading when you can give your whole mind and energy to your session. Eliminate all distractions.  Your advisor can’t help you if either of you can’t commit your full attention.

  1. Pick the type of reading you want.

Do a bit of advance research. If you are trying to talk to someone who has passed, you need to consult a medium.   If you want to connect with information that is just for you, you should consult someone who reads cards or uses astrology or numerology

  1. Know your prices

Just because a psychic charges a lot, doesn’t mean that they are necessarily better than one who charges a modest fee.  Price is not a good way  select a psychic. I the road pricing, but you can also find those who offer deals at psychic fairs, etc.

  1. Find the Right One for you

While it is not hard to find a psychic, it a little more difficult to find one with whom you can connect. A reputable psychic will not try to charge you to cast spells to bring back a lost love or remove a curse.

You should rely on word of mouth and referrals to help guide you to a good, trustworthy advisor.

  1. Have fun!

When you find a psychic you like, go! Open your self up to the possibilities and enjoy yourself.  Just let go, be open to the process and the flow of energy!

The truth from a psychic reading


When one is seeking some guidance from the spirit world, getting your tarot cards read is a fun way to get started.  Finding an experience card reader is easier than you might think as most have been practicing for many years. They will have their prices and fees all worked out. Most operate by appointment only.

The truth from a psychic reading You may want to schedule separate readings for the different facets of your life.  Remember that a tarot reader is going to give you advice, not a day by day account and prediction.

If you are looking for advice about dating, you will probably hear something akin to what you already know.  You may receive advice about how to learn from your previous mistakes and move on to a healthier relationship in the future.  You may also get information on what patterns you tend to veer towards when you pick a partner.   The cards will reveal what you have in your energy and spirit.

When you ask about for advice about work, you will more than likely hear about your satisfaction with your job. This is not uncommon and will probably direct you into taking a closer look at your own happiness and security.  This type of self-examination is important no matter where you are in your career.  Not everyone is ready to hear that they need to think about their life choices. Work is a big part of our lives and what is revealed in the cards will reflect that.

If you ask about where you stand with your friendships, you may hear  how your peer group may fluctuate. This is also natural because as adults, our priorities shift and your friends may be moving though the different major changes in their lives. This includes, marriage, children and career. It’s only natural for things to change in this arena. It is nothing personal. It’s just life.  But the cards are not to blame.

You may also hear about someone new in your life. This is also to be expected.

Bottom line: You don’t get your tarot cards read to get a prediction about your whole future. A card reading will help guide your through the issues in your life.   The things that are covered should lead you and guide you to some self-reflection.  It will more than likely reveal somethings you already knew. This information is yours to do with what you wish.  Leave yourself  open to the experience. And everyone can use good advice.

Are psychic readers real or fake? Can we trust them?

Are psychic readers real or fake? Can we trust them?

Are psychic readers real or fake? Can we trust them?Most psychic readers use other tools than intuition to provide us with psychic guidance. They use different divination tools including Tarot cards, crystal ball, numerology and astrology to give us specific personal details.

Some psychics communicate with spirit guides while others connect with our passed away loved ones. Psychics use various means and tools to get similar results. Eventually, they help us see our path ahead better.

5 myths about psychic readers:

Myth#1: psychics are able to read our minds

Psychics are energy readers not mind readers! A real psychic can read our feelings and energy. They can sense what decision is better for us to make, but they can’t know our date of birth, name, or place of birth. They make ask us to provide them with this information to help them provide you with deeper readings.

Psychic readers help us pick the right path and make the right choice, but they won’t know what your name is or your favorite movie is.

Myth#2: psychics know everything and they are available all the time

Are psychic readers real or fake? Can we trust them?Psychics are humans and they make mistakes. Psychic readers can’t be available all the time, they need some time for themselves. They need to recharge their batteries to be able to proceed.

Psychics are not super creatures. They are just normal people just like you and me, all they have is stronger spiritual powers and gifts, which they use to connect you with spirit guides and to read energy that surrounds you.

Myth#3: psychics can predict the future

Your future counts on your choices. The choices and decisions you make shape your future. Psychics are only able to read the future based on the information you give them in that particular moment. So, if you change the decision you make, your future will change accordingly. You have many possibilities, and you the only one who can decide which path to choose. The psychic reader only sees the right path for you, but they can’t enforce you.

Myth#4: intuition is all the psychic readers do!

Intuition is only a small part of being a psychic reader. Professional psychic reader has many skills and intuition is only one of them. They can read Tarot cards, crystal ball, palmistry, numerology, meditate and clear their mind to give a reading.

Psychic take years to enhance their skills to be professional enough and build a happy client base. They also specialize in one or two of psychic reading methods. Some of them specialize in Tarot card readings, other prefer palmistry, while choose to connect with spirit guides and passed away spirits.

Myth#5: Psychic readers and mediums are the same!

There is a big difference between psychic readers and psychic mediums. Psychic readers read Tarot cards, crystal ball, palms, and other reading methods to read the past, present, and the future. While psychic readers communicate with spirits and they require completely different skills.

Before choosing your psychic make sure to determine what you are looking for, whether to connect with your passed away ones, or to read the Tarot to know which path to choose, because not all psychics have the same psychic abilities. Make sure to check the psychic profile and know more about his or her psychic abilities and then decide.

The Going Rate for Psychic Readings

Psychic Readings

Psychic readings provide us with fantastic guidance in life. A good psychic reading can aid us with our life choices, our health, and our fortunes. Psychics are usually compassionate and lend a listening ear alongside expert spiritual knowledge.

Psychic ReadingsHowever, psychics need to pay their bills, which means that services cannot come free. As such, it’s useful to know how much you should ideally be charged for a psychic reading. Not only does this prepare you beforehand—is your question really worth the cost?—it also helps you stay away from fraudsters who wish only to take advantage of you.

As such, we’ve compiled a helpful guide to set you up with the necessary knowledge before committing to your first psychic reading.

Do You Pay for What You Get?

It’s likely, but it isn’t certain.

Certain psychics overcharge, and that’s just a fact of the business. However, some undercharge and still provide great readings. Most of the time, you can manage to strike a good balance in between those two possibilities.

Of course, it all depends where you look. If a psychic has a great reputation, chances are they’ll charge higher fees for their readings. It’s worth remembering, however, that you shouldn’t break the bank for a psychic reading… but you should also never expect to get one for free, either.

Online Psychic Networks

Online psychic networks tend to average out their prices and organize readings by a planned going rate. You are able to choose between a facetime video, a text-based chat, or a phone call.

The plus side here is that these readings are flexible, and you can work them around your own schedule. It’s also useful for getting a few burning questions out of the way without paying an arm and a leg. Sessions are usually $1–5/minute.

Celebrity Psychics

Celebrity psychics are your most expensive options. Their time is in high demand, and they’ve earned a name for themselves through TV spots or, quite simply, by being around long enough.

Nevertheless, you should never forget that reputations aren’t always earned meritocratically. In other words, the most famous psychics aren’t necessarily the best. People can choose a life in the spotlight, but they can also choose not to; the most powerful psychics are likely to serve a much quieter client base.

Face-to-Face Psychic Readings

Psychic ReadingsPsychics who conduct readings in person are usually more expensive. Indeed, these are the most trusted and traditional forms of psychic readings, but don’t be alarmed if you’re paying more than you would do online.

The reason these readings cost more is because the appointment has to be made in advance – you’re actually arranging for someone to take time out of their day. Furthermore, the space needs paying for; many face-to-face psychics have offices on which they have to pay the rent.

If you, like many other people, would trust an in-person reading more than an online one, you should expect to pay $60 for a half-hour reading or $20 for a ten-minute session.

FAQ: Why the Range of Prices?

Simply put, new psychics and those who are novices in the industry are usually the ones to charge lower fees for readings. It’s a simple fact of: the higher up the ladder you go, the more you get to charge. If readings are a part-time thing alongside a day job, such psychics will ordinarily charge less, too.

As with celebrity psychics and their higher wages, remember that low-cost readings might not always be indicative of actual quality. Sometimes, it might just be that the person is a talented newbie who needs to build some name recognition before they can charge a fee that accurately reflects their services.

On average, you will be expected to pay around $120/hour for a psychic reading. These services are provided by established clairvoyants who usually have a reason to command such prices. Toward the higher end of the scale, however, it is ordinary to pay hundreds of dollars per session with a top-rated psychic.

Above that, and you’re paying celebrity medium prices. Remember, it isn’t always necessary to pay over the odds for a psychic reading, because the higher prices are usually ‘justified’ through name recognition. Equally talented psychics may not charge quite so much, but they may deliver the exact same quality reading.

Tipping Mediums

When you experience a fantastic, life-altering reading with a psychic, it may be tempting to tip as a way to show your gratitude. However, this is unnecessary; your psychic has merely delivered the service you paid for. If you were particularly blown away by your service, show your appreciation by recommending the medium to a friend.

Warnings About Free Readings

You may be intrigued by the prospect of free psychic readings. While it may initially seem more charitable for a medium to share their gift for free, you should be wary of psychics who offer free services.

Most of the time, these readings are offered by those who are new to the industry. They may not be confident enough in their talents to charge the going rate, and they may still be under experienced in dealing with clients. What these free services mean, then, is that you ought to be patient with the psychic.

Sometimes, the free service may be part of a promotion designed to encourage the user to purchase more sessions. These free appointments may very likely be too short to get any proper readings out of them. Of course, this doesn’t mean they’re bad, but it’s worth bearing in mind that you’ll likely have to pay if you want a proper reading for some valued insights.

Tips on how to get better psychic reading next time


You’re seeking divine’s guidance and visit a psychic to have spiritual reading because you have many questions need to be answered. Here are some important steps to maximize the benefits of your readings with any psychic medium.

Find a real psychic

Unfortunately, most of the advisors that call themselves psychics are basically liars, and in order to get a real reading, you need to find a real psychic first place. And before you start your search, decide what kind of reading you are looking for. Are you looking for a psychic medium to connect you to a passed away spirit to answer some questions you have. Or, what you need is some advice, so you need a Tarot card reader. Be specific in terms of what type of reading you are looking for to get a high quality reading.

Write down your list

Write down what’s on your mind. Make a list with most common issues you have and the issues in your life that you are not happy with. Get prepared to get the right answers from a psychic.

Ask open ended questions

Avoid yes or no questions and ask open ended questions to give the psychic the freedom to explore the possibilities your future holds. Don’t forget to write down the questions you need to ask.

Arrive for the reading with a peaceful mind

Meditate  and relax for fifteen minutes before your reading You need to be focused enough to get the most out of your reading. You want to be relaxed in order to think with a clear and peaceful mind. If you’re not calm and your mind is not clear, you would definitely miss some important messages.

Dedicate enough time

Once, you started your reading forget about anything else. Stay away from any distraction which may affect the reading and focus. Take your time after the reading and take some time to relax. Take a walk, mediate, and think about the reading.

Give the psychic medium an honest feedback

Stop nodding your head pretending you are understanding every word and ask for clarification. Be honest with the psychic medium and tell him that the message is not clear to ask spirit for more information to make the message clearer. So, for example, if the medium tells you that a spirit who is present died from a blow to the head, but this doesn’t make any sense to you, tell him the truth and he’ll ask the spirit more questions.

Take notes.

Always take notes during your psychic medium reading. You don’t need to write down every word, just write down the key words and phrases the psychic says. It’ll be enough to memorize what was said later when you want to review the reading or share it with others.

In conclusion, keep in mind that you can make the difference between a good reading and a bad reading. Psychic medium readings can bring incredible insight, clarity and hope to your life, so don’t lose the chance and do what you can to maximize these benefits.

Locating legitimate psychics who are worth your while


Ever been in a dark place in your life to a point where you do not see the need of seeking help from your friends, a self-help group or a psychiatrist? As in that moment when you feel that you need a miracle?  Or when you have reached your limit until you ask yourself “why me?” These are the points where we can actually take that advice we were skeptical about. It can also be a time where we might consider looking for a psychic, a spiritual advisor or a medium.

Regrettably, some or rather most of these so-called psychics are just frauds. It is unfortunate that they end up taking advantage of those who are desperate for answers. Since I was a child, I have always sought the help of a psychic and here is what I found.

It is for certain that legitimate psychics do not need to do queer things in order to get our attention. However, I cannot be sure that those who do queer things are ungifted but I am sure we cannot take advice from just anyone who declares themselves a psychic.

In some cases, many of them will ask you to lead a session. For instance, they will say something like “I feel there is darkness in you”. Thereafter they will convince you to ask them a question. When you do so, they will have enough information to choose from. Come to think of it, just think of how much information you can get from a person’s Google search history.  However, these people are not psychic. All they do is give advice on that something they have no idea about.

Verbal advertising

We are often embarrassed by little things. For example, asking how many people have heeded advice from a qualified psychic. But we will find that actually many people have done this. These people can also refer you to their psychics. Hence, legitimate psychics do not need to advertise their work, the good services that they give will speak for themselves.

Apart from inquiring about psychics through word of mouth, you can also refer to online sources. You will find links to their personal websites and also notice a list of those who are well known. If you are patient enough, you can locate that psychic you are compatible with.

Shunning fraud psychics

Legitimate psychics will lead a session or give you an answer that will not shake you to the core. They will also not give you promises that they are unable to fulfill. The other “psychics” will demoralize you by giving you unfavorable answers just to take advantage of your money.

Professional psychics will give you both bad and good news because they want the session to be real. As in, they will give you an honest reading. Mostly, they will not mind if you ask them to follow up questions after the session. They will also not mind if you cut the session short. Plus, they will not withhold information about the death or an accident. If they do so, it will be considered unprofessional.

With any luck, all of the above will assist you whenever you want to locate a legitimate psychic. But at the back of your mind, know that psychics are just like any other person.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Psychics


We turn to psychics to perform readings so that we can gain insight into our lives and get some direction and purpose. It’s important to have answers and direction so that we know what to do next, and a psychic can help with these answers in most instances. But, how do they provide these answers? There are many things a psychic must do to not only hone their craft, but to effectively communicate with their clients, leaving them feeling better after a reading.

A psychic must be disciplined and have two main objectives in mind in every thing they do: helping and healing. They have to be able to handle the serious issues that they hear about, encounter and try to help people with on a daily basis. It’s not an easy task, and it’s often not one that they chose for themselves. Rather, it’s a task that the Universe chose them to perform. So, with that in mind, here are the 7 habits of highly effective psychics.


1. Being non-judgemental and open-minded

Psychics will encounter people from all walks of life, and they may not always understand their clients’ life choices or lifestyles. Furthermore, they may not have experienced some of the extreme human suffering and trauma that their clients have endured. It doesn’t matter what a client tells them, a psychic must remain non-judgemental and open-minded about the situations they’re presented with. No one pays a psychic to judge them; they pay for the advice and direction that a psychic reading can provide them with.

2. Look for signs in everything

Psychics are often linked to the Divine in such a way that messages come through constantly, whether they want them to or not. So, a true psychic is always paying attention to detail and watching for signs. They can come in the form of something really overt and obvious, or something so small that it could go unnoticed. It takes relentless diligence to detect when the Divine is speaking to them through these signs, and must be practiced every day so that they don’t accidentally miss something important.

3. They practice what they teach

Psychics often provide their clients with techniques and exercises to help them in their everyday life. These include such things as meditation and cleansing. A good psychic practices the things they tell you to do. It’s not just talk, they actually do it themselves and are therefore able to give you instruction on how to do these things yourself. Not only do they do the same exercises that they give you, they follow their own advice. It doesn’t really help for a psychic to advise clients to steer clear of toxic people and situations in order to obtain some manner of peace if their own life is a train wreck. So, they follow the wisdom of their advice and apply it to their own lives, as well.

4. They work on their own spiritual development daily

A good psychic is in-tune with the Divine and works to develop their abilities daily. Not only that, they do research, learn about their abilities and constantly learn new ways to help people. This is helpful both to their clients and to themselves. If you don’t work on your spiritual development, and instead choose to use your gifts the same way every day, your spiritual growth will stagnate. Not to mention the fact that it gets boring and it’s easy to get “burned out” if you’re not learning and growing.

5. Cleansing

Unfortunately, psychics encounter a lot of negative situations, emotions and energy on a daily basis. Often, it’s hard to just set these feelings aside when they go about the rest of their day after doing readings and closing their psychic business for the day. The energies and emotions can cling to them like dirt, causing them to become depressed, agitated, etc. So, in order to keep some measure of sanity, they have to cleanse themselves of the negativity daily. Some psychics even perform some small cleansing rituals several times throughout the day, then when they get home, and again before bed.

6. Being honest

Most psychics are in the habit of practicing honesty with their clients. Their clients trust them to provide honest insight and not hold back. It’s often easier said than done, as some of the information is potentially very upsetting to the client, and it’s not always what they want to hear. But, in order to help, they know that honesty is imperative.

7. Being kind and personable

Dealing with people who are lost, broken and looking for guidance is a psychic’s bread and butter. They often have to deliver bad news. What’s more, most of the people they encounter, they’ve never met before. So, a psychic needs to be good with people, approachable, and easy to talk to. And, they have to be able to deliver bad news in such a way as to break the news softly.

All of these habits are important for a psychic, with no one habit being more important than any other. Each one will make a psychic more helpful to their clients, and develop their abilities even more each day. If you’re looking for guidance from a psychic, look for these seven qualities in them to ensure that they know what they’re doing enough to help you.

Revelations of a Catholic Clairvoyant Channel by Clairvoyant Xanadu


I was informed that faith has no space for the individuals who read since I was a Catholic Psychic. I, however, do not trust this. Though a lot of Christians assert that the bible says clairvoyant tools are devilish, I confidently trust that the act of obtaining God’s message is not.  And it’s just all about the goal.

There were also prophets who obtained God’s pledge and chose to convey it to the world through the help of the holy spirits who showered them with God’s blessings.

The Distinction between Psychic Divination and God’s Intuition

The difference is just from the word “psychic”. This is a stigmatizing term since it is a cliché and used as a negative implication. Back in the days, this word together with the term “gypsy” described clairvoyants who conned and robbed people with untrue prophecies or extremely negative ones.

Despite the fact that other individuals still exercise this, we should know that this sense similar to any other can be utilized for the positive or the negative. It is your duty to determine what you do with that sense.

Perception of the Sixth Sense

Shockingly a greater number of Christians relates the sixth sense with devilish and clairvoyant readings with behaviors of the devil. This, however, makes them unable to undertake God’s work and convey messages of love and light with similar sense. I believe we were all born with this sense but most of us use and pay no attention to it and even forget that it was in existence.

Do you remember having a bad feeling about somebody or anything and knowing who it is or whatever it is? You have ever had a feeling of not wanting to be somewhere but then an accident occurs and you cannot help but thank God that you were not involved?

After interacting with the sense for a while now I trust that we all have experienced this. This sixth sense works hard to make us focus on it through other senses; clairsentience (being able to feel something clearly), clairaudience (perceiving clearly), and other times clairvoyance (seeing things clearly). We, however, don’t pay attention to these moments but decide to disregard them just as the society expects us to. Clairvoyants have however accepted this sense and have made it grow.

For the Catholic and Christian Psychics and Mediums

  • We are good Christians.
  • We all have the same goal of sharing happiness and light.
  • We all pray for the Holy Spirit to fall on us and convey messages in his divine.
  • When reading we are very careful.
  • We pray to God before reading since we think your feelings and environment is very sensitive.
  • We clear the space with His Divine light.

Always be easy on a psychic because the message he or she is conveying maybe that you don’t want to hear but it is what God wants you to hear at that time.

Clairvoyance vs Cash: How to Spot a Fraud


There are con-people in any line of business, but with psychics, it is harder than with most professions to spot a fraud.

When an 81-year-old woman became separated from her husband of 56 years, she wound up paying $900 to a company called Psychic Readings by Lauren. The psychic seemed friendly, and she was promised reimbursement if her husband never returned, but when he didn’t, the woman found it impossible to get her money back.

According to IBISWorld, the psychic industry takes $2 billion per year in the US alone. With the above story in mind, we decided to take a further look to see just how often this was garnered through fraudulent means.

Indeed, experts in the field acknowledge that there is a great deal of issues when it comes to spotting a fraud. The charlatans of the industry apparently coax information from their customers and then lead them into making higher payments to provide solutions.

Real psychics, however, don’t work like that; they operate through vibrations, and conversation is barely ever necessary. Simply put, inquisitive ‘psychics’ should be avoided at all costs.

If you’re having a reading, allow the psychic to point out some specific details about your life, but only provide brief answers that do not lead them on too much—if they’re a charlatan, they will come up with nothing. Psychics also usually con people out of money by telling them they are cursed.

Michelle Beltran, who charges $405 for 45-minute sessions, was named Psychic of the Year in 2017 by Best American Psychics; if you are not paying, she does not speak. Jusstine Kenzer, on the other hand, is a Los Angeles–based psychic who charges $375/session, and also remarked that a fake psychic will tell you that you are cursed and that they can remove the hex for a certain price.

She also stated that psychic readings are guidance, and that they are meant to inspire, not cure.

This is not licensed work, to be sure, but professional psychics can certainly be penalized for illegal business practices. A phone-reading company was fined $5 million in 2002 when it turned out they were charging $4.99/minute, with the employees being ordered to keep the phone calls going for ridiculous lengths of time.

According to Yelp reviews, many other customers have run afoul of Psychic Readings by Lauren. One customer was ordered to pay $1,000 to remove a hex on her romantic life. Her $100 deposit, for the first session, was never returned. Another customer was ordered to sleep with $7,000 in physical cash in her bed; she didn’t, because she got the distinct impression that she would be robbed in the middle of the night.