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The best questions that can be asked in a psychic reading

The best questions that can be asked in a psychic reading

Several individuals seek help from psychics because they are not sure of the route to take in their lives be it love life or another area. Guidance is very important in psychic readings and you need to take in advice that you have received through reading into consideration. It is not easy to stay on track once you begin speaking to a psychic. This is might be because you are too excited to talk to them or because you both get along very well. You need to know why you are calling the psychic so that you be aware of what question to ask. You should pick a psychic based on their skill. This will give you the best results. There are different kinds of psychics, you’ll just have to choose the one that best suits you. If you have different questions to ask, we recommend you note down the key points that have been said during the reading. That’s the only way you can review the answers you were given to see if any change has occurred. If you don’t know the kind of questions to ask during a reading, below are some key examples you can ask.

  1. Is there something, in particular, you can see about my love life? And what advice do you have?

This is an open-minded question and that’s great. This kind of question doesn’t require a yes or no answer since you want to know more. A psychic can start asking you different questions like whether you are dating and what they trust will happen to your relationship. Several times, psychics can just pick the main points from something specific that will change the whole reading.

  1. Are there any big transformations in my future?

You will be good at dealing with changes in your life if you prepare for them well. In any case, you ask a psychic this question, they will tell you what will happen and when. At times, a psychic can see something then picture where your life will be. They’ll even tell you where you’ll live.

  1. Is my career on the right track?

Psychics have a special gift when it comes to understanding people spiritually. They can feel something about your personality and tell you the areas you haven’t explored. When you ask this question, a psychic can recommend what you need to do to ensure your career is on the right track. A psychic can tell you whether you are or analytical.

  1. How can I move on after experiencing hard times?

A psychic knows what you can do to heal, spiritually. It’s essential to internalize what they recommend because they are likely to explore distinct options you have never considered. They can even reveal how your spirit guide can help you on this path of finding happiness. This is an excellent question to ask because the psychic can reveal a lot about personal strength.

  1. How can I discover true friends in life? Do I have true and loyal friends?

A psychic can inform you if you are looking for friends in the wrong places. They can tap in into bad encounters you’ve ever had with people and tell you the path you must take to discover your true soul connections.  A psychic reader can tell you if you are going to meet someone soon and if they are good people. This type of question can be asked by people who have encountered toxic friends for the better part of their lives and would like to know if things will turn positive.

5 Reasons your Psychic Powers could be Blocked

5 Reasons your Psychic Powers could be Blocked

5 Reasons your Psychic Powers could be BlockedNaturally, we all have psychic capabilities and gateways to tap into the deepest powers of our minds, but many of us never develop the skills enough to hang onto these abilities when we get older. Children often have the most psychic capabilities because their age, experience, and doubt has not crept in as it has with so many adults.

If you want to regain the capabilities you had as a child and then develop them to master levels of spirituality, then there are 5 things you need to focus on as you live life trying to take your mind to new heights.

  1. Avoid Energy Vampires

An energy vampire is someone who sucks the positive energy out of your aura just as a regular vampire sucks the lifeblood from its victims. People’s negativity can tend to have a damaging effect to psychic ability because it causes us to put up walls against any outside forces. With these barriers in place, we cannot tap into our innate psychic abilities because there are just too many other factors in the way. These protective barriers are the same ones that create doubt and disbelief, which are the most powerful inhibitors of your psychic abilities. If you begin filling your life with positive people and people you can trust, these protective barriers come down and your abilities can flourish.

  1. Don’t Dwell on Stress

Similar to doubt and disbelief, your stress levels will create barriers against your psychic abilities. Now, everyone has stress in life, so it is unrealistic to try and simply avoid stress. But you can control how much emphasis you place on the stress in your life. When you create too much focus on your stress, you actually create an imbalance of hormones and cause damage to your third eye. We use this third eye as a portal from our physical self to our mental self, so the imbalance of hormones can make it very difficult to see through that portal. Instead of focusing on the stress, try to take a walk, decompress, or get out into the natural world a little bit. This can allow your third eye to open up again.

  1. Nature’s Calling

Speaking of nature, getting outside is one of the best ways to get in touch with our spiritual side. No matter where you live, try to find just a small section of nature to walk around in, and if you can walk around barefoot, even better. Being in nature creates a different type of blood flow within your body that can create a much better connection with your third eye. The hormone that induces stress, cortisol, is typically reduced within our bodies the more we can breathe fresh air and be outside. Cortisol is known to create a barrier between our mental and physical beings, and the more this barrier is built up, the harder it is to take down.

  1. Eat. Repeat.

If you’re not eating the right foods, you won’t be able to manage your stress and control your hormone levels. Food is one of the main ways we can increase or decrease cortisol levels. Ironically, our body craves simple carbs when we are stressed (sugary treats and the like), and these are the foods that increase cortisol levels the most. Avoiding the natural tendency to overeat when stressed, while pairing with regular exercise (although not so strenuous that more stress is induced), can have the eventual result of controlling cortisol levels.

  1. Get Grounded

While spirituality can be attractive for many people, committing to what it takes to open up your third eye can be a challenge. You have to practice your grounding habits daily so that you can develop these skills. What do we mean by grounding yourself? It is trying to channel the energy of the earth, beneath our feet.

You can do this by using a technique called microcosmic meditation. Sit down on a chair, with your back straight. Good posture is essential. Now put your feet on the ground and feel the energy beneath them. Channel this energy up through your spine and into your head. Now feel the energy begin to pour out over your head and over your entire body, moving through your system until every organ is engulfed. You will start feeling refreshed and, if you focus on the earth’s energy becoming your energy enough, you can begin to open up your third eye.

Indications that you are likely to be a psychic

Indications that you are likely to be a psychic

Indications that you are likely to be a psychicSign 1: You get more insightful by just taking two glasses of wine

Have you ever experiences instances where people see solutions to problems when they were just relaxing and not doing anything? Any kind of information that might pop when you are free. Research indicates that such kind of practices is likely to transform our brain-activity frequently making our frontal lobe to quiet down. However, in my encounter, such kind of activities tend to happen to more psychic individuals. Psychic abilities can stay calm, then pop up when we least expect. Now he comes the most essential part. Let’s say you experience insights while relaxing with a glass of wine, you are likely to know more about people without them necessarily telling you. That’s a strong sign that you are likely to be a psychic, but you might dismiss this sign.

I have to say that I am already of this finding and I fully comprehend my abilities. Nothing works more than telling someone a lot about them that you weren’t probably aware of. Some even asked me if I was a stalker. I am proud to say that since then, I have acknowledged my abilities and decide to use them in a more light-filled way. However, if this happens to you, put down those feelings or the information. Then stop drinking.

Sign 2: Your new friends look blue or red

Psychics have different views about people. This is due to the fact they encounter synesthesia, a condition where senses are swapped. Have you ever heard music notes surrounding someone, or rather have you ever met a new person who you always associate with the color, flower or a landscape? Such kinds of sensory perception usually take place internally. Quite several people, however, don’t usually talk about them for the fear of sounding weird.

Since I was young, I encountered synesthesia and frequently saw people in colors. I came to understand that nobody should be alarmed by this distinct way of perceiving people. But it was helpful. For instance, I came to comprehend that if an individual appeared blue, to me, he or she is a natural healer or a teacher and I’m likely to feel more relaxed around that individual. If I view someone as red then it means this is an individual who’s undergoing stress and anxiety and is very short-tempered, an indication that I should move away.

Sign 3: Your gut has saved your life (or budget)

Maybe you had a strong perception in the past that you have to go to a store at a particular time, then went and found out that the specific item you were looking for is there and about 50% off. Or maybe while driving home, something told to avoid a certain route and later you came to realize that an accident occurred in that route same day. Quite a number of us have heard such kind of feelings. They are known as intuitive pulls.

Sign 4: Your dreams seep you into your waking life in surprising ways

Probably you dreamt last night that your dead mother spoke to you about where your missing bracelet was only to find it there the next morning. Or maybe you are at work and suddenly you daydream that you’re being awarded a trophy only to get promoted at work. Or maybe you dreamt of someone you haven’t seen for a long time only to meet them the next day. Even though you might ignore these feelings, they occur. It’s very normal.

Finding the right psychic

Finding the right psychic

Finding the right psychicSome have become doubtful and cynical when they are looking for a psychic.  Some have bad experiences with online psychics and phone psychics.   This can lead to people to not seek help when they need it. They may try to use tools such as Tarot cards and horoscopes but don’t know how to interpret them so they just give up.

They don’t realize that they just needed to find the right psychic for them.  This involves doing some research.  Most people have a bit of psychic ability. Those that we call psychics are very intune with their gifts.

Psychic readings use tools and techniques to help them access the information that they need. Some use cards, some use astrological charts. Some cast runes and/or use stones.  The tools allow them to guide their clients.

If you are skeptical, you can get a chart reading.  This is because the psychic can’t  “cold read” your expression, body language and other attributes.

If you choose to go to a psychic website for just these features, you can consult the site itself for the testimonials and references that others have posted.  A reputable website will show both good and bad references.

These websites usually offer a chat option that gives you a chance to be read by a few different advisors so you can select the right one.   This chat will let you know what kind of advisor you can connect with.   The websites will also feature articles and blog postings. This will help you get an idea of what you want to find out.

Predictions and readings aren’t magic wands. They exist to help you make wise choices to make sure you one the right path.  A good reading  can help you prepare for the next phase of your life.  We all have free will, thus it is up to you to use the wisdom gleaned from your reading however  you choose.

Psychic readings help you make choices. They help guide people along their life path.  They can be empowering. It can help you make decisions. They are not absolutes. The information is yours to use as you see fit.

Relationships Healing with Reiki

Relationships Healing with Reiki

Relationships Healing with ReikiThere are quite a number of opportunities that usually presented to grow relationships with other individuals as we continue with our journey through life.  When we are young we have a relationship with ourselves, friends, parents, and siblings. We include our peers, teachers, and friends in our lives when we go to school. Our focus as young adults is frequently romantic relationships. Romantic relationships always bring us to the starting point when we get in serious relationships as we will now be having new friends and family to interact with.

If you would like to nourish a successful relationship in your life, then Reiki is definitely an effective tool to use. Know that each relationship is a living creature, that’s the first step. After that, it now becomes easy to feel attached to your emotions and feelings and serve as a medium of energy healing that the relationship is directed to.

Imbalance in relationships is always as a result of fear or power related issues. Locate the areas that are vulnerable or imbalance. Your main focus should be the identification of these areas. Selection of an object which can physically symbolize the relationship is frequently helpful. Items that can effectively serve in this role are pictures, crystals or gifts that people have exchanged with each other over time.

The reasons for isolating an object is to clearly pay attention to the healing vitality when working on the relationship and to able to visualize when conflicts arise by giving you a point of reference.

There are frequent vulnerabilities in relationships that show signs that are on the surface very much and can only be seen when dealing with real issues.  The reason why we attract relationships is to help us grow. This usually happens to enable an individual facing power and control lessons to select a relationship with a docile person or a controlling individual. Bringing this vitality into balance is very essential for the survival and peaceful transformation of the relationship.

Isolate objects which symbolizes your relationship if you want to determine the things you need to work on to heal your relationships. Locate a place where it cannot be disrupted and place it. If you would like to carry it with you then put it in a special case or bag. Find a place where there is less interruption. You can stand or sit down facing the object and create an intent prayer.

After saying a prayer, draw all the Reiki symbols and invoke the names of the symbols three times as you draw them. Then draw the symbols on both your palms, third eye, crown, throat and heart chakras. After this process requests the Reiki vitality to flow fully and completely through you for the purpose of gaining clarity and healing this relationship.

Seal it in divine love and healing if you feel like the process is complete. It is essential to appreciate the healing that has just occurred by saying thank you to both guides and forces for their help and send back Reiki to them. Once you’ve felt the energy, let it flow.

How to Choose a Clairvoyant Reader

Ways of Choosing a Clairvoyant Reader

Ways of Choosing a Clairvoyant ReaderYou need to consult a clairvoyant reader you trust if you want a reading which can guide you in life. We provide a variety of experienced clairvoyants at Kooma, it’s now up to you to choose the one to provide you with your reading. When looking for a good psychic reader, there is a process that we all go through. There are many factors we need to look just to be sure we locate that psychic reader.

Be aware of what you need from a reader

Know what you want from a reader. This is the first step in deciding the kind of a reader you want and what you are exactly looking for. Before you start your search, make sure you have a list of what you want. Also, have a list of what you would like to avoid in a reader. For you to find a good reader, you need to know your wants.

Research for readers who are available

After listing down your wants, we recommend you look for professional readers. Research if they have a personal web page, do not look at the reviews but make sure you know the type of readings that they prefer.

Let the clairvoyants be recommended

In any case, you have family or friends who have ever done a reading let them recommend for you, good readers. Seek advice from them. You can only get a good clairvoyant reader if you are recommended by someone who has good feedback about a particular reader and also if that person is someone you can trust.

Contact your reader

The most essential thing in locating a good reader is a one on one contact. Communicate and get in touch with that clairvoyant that you have an interest in. you can contact them online or through the phone.  What you need to know is that at the end of the day you can only locate a good psychic is to try them out.

The Dissimilarity between Mystical Advisors and Clairvoyants

The Dissimilarity between Mystical Advisors and Clairvoyants

What is a Mystical Advisor?

The Dissimilarity between Mystical Advisors and ClairvoyantsIn the ancient days, this referred to being religiously attached to values or things that related to the spirit and not materialistic or worldly things. Nevertheless, mystically has been considered a concept of reaching high levels of consciousness since it has developed over time. An individual who is spiritual is considered to be more connected to nature, God and even himself.

An individual who helps in discovering the process of spirituality is known as a mystical advisor. They are trained to provide guidance in a person’s mystical journey. Human expressions and human success are balanced through the art of spirituality of which they are the one who helps in practice.

The word ‘spirituality’ was first used in the 5th century in the Bible; it meant being actively involved with Godly matters through the help of the Holy Spirit. In the 11th century, however, it possessed a different meaning, that is, it referred to the mental aspect of life, unlike the material aspect. This new meaning was described by the words “the ecclesiastical sphere of light against the dark world of matter.” The implication of the analysis of emotions and mentality of the mystical life began in the 13th century. This however changed in the 18th century and a person was regarded spiritual only if he was a staunch Christian, unlike others. Religion was later separated from spirituality in the 20th century when it was said that it’s through free expression and meditation that one was able to realize his or her true self and knows better one’s self through a mixture of eastern religions.

What is clairvoyant?

Clairvoyant also means psychic. Derived from the Greek word pyschikos, it refers to the mind of a human being or psyche. A clairvoyant is an individual who uses mystical gifts to unleash underlying meanings and messages that can’t be normally seen or identified.

Since the old days, foretelling the future has always been part of the human world. Astrology where stars and planets powers were used to envision the human activities and earthly matters was the earliest civilization of prediction. The astrologers, later on, said that they have the capability of predicting the future without necessarily using those celestial objects. They gave their predictions and readings in relation to future visions. They had titles such as prophets or seers then later psychics or clairvoyants.

There is a belief that this psychics ability was largely appreciated by people and that they got their powers from a god or goddess. It is historically believed that these clairvoyants held special positions in the palaces and gave advises to the kings in relation to decision making. They were however punished in case a reading never came to pass. They were mainly advisors and priests.

Each and every clairvoyant has different capability.

The dissimilarity between mystical advisors and clairvoyants is clearly depicted through their characteristics.

Mystical Advisors Characteristics   

  • They are completely selfless and not materialistic.
  • Since mystical love is the heart of spirituality, Mystical advisors as so full of spiritual affection.
  • They practice a lot on how to help others and share the love.
  • They do not request for any assistance or any kind of return for the services they offer. This is due to the fact that they are not materialistic.
  • They do not portray themselves as seers or prophets due to their respect and love of God.
  • They depend on their own because they trust in God and depend only on him.
  • They mean whatever they say and do not fool people.

Clairvoyants Characteristics

  • They give readings in relation to the client’s questions and types.
  • They want to be paid for their services.
  • Unlike spirituality which is an innate feeling, psychics’ abilities are developed.
  • Their abilities require a lot of time to be mastered.
  • They have very sensitive personalities and are physical aware.
  • Mystical advisors deeply meditate and deeply connect with the surroundings while clairvoyants are normal people just like other human beings.
  • It’s only those who seek psychics who get their services while spiritual advisors are God’s people and their only objective is to help others.

There are many dissimilarities between Mystical Advisors and Clairvoyants as shown above. They are appropriate for different reasons. And even though they are different they still belong to one family.

Getting the best out of your psychic reading

Getting the best out of your psychic reading

If you have decided to get a psychic reading, there is a lot to think about.  There are many people with many different gifts.

So how do you know how to pick a psychic and what should you expect from your reading?

  1. Be realistic and don’t set yourself up for failure

Getting the best out of your psychic readingYou may be setting your sights too high if you expect something ultra specific like having your Aunt Debra on your father’s side come in and tell a medium that she called you Schmoopy.

First of all, a medium doesn’t decide what information gets to them. That is up to the spirit.  All you can do for this type of reading is relax and let your energy do the rest. If you are too closed up, the medium may not be able to connect.

The best thing you can do is to relax and allow the energy to flow. It’s okay to be a little nervous at the beginning (especially if you’ve never had a reading before), but you want to let go and allow your energy to connect with the reader; allow your guides, Angels and loved ones to connect with the reader. If your energy is sealed tight and you are not willing to be open to the information coming through, your reading will likely not be very good at all.

  1. Be sure you ask the right questions.

The whole reason you are seeking psychic guidance is because you want answers and information.  Ask an open ended questions instead for yes and no questions. Prepare questions in advance so you don’t find yourself confused and on the spot. No matter what questions you may have you should keep an open mind about what comes through.

  1. Take note

Getting the best out of your psychic readingIt’s certainly ok to write things down.  Your psychic may record the session, but taking notes will help you center one what resonates with you. Take advantage of the flow of energy as it surrounds your thoughts. Be sure to ask your psych about the recording and note taking.

  1. Make a good connection.

A good connection is more than the psychic energy that you are gathering between yourself and your advisor. You also need to make sure that you are in tune with each other physically. Leave your phone behind or at least turn it off. You owe it to yourself to truly commit to the connection

  1. Be there and be aware

When you schedule a reading, show up on time.  Be ready spiritually. Be your best, fully aware self. Do not show up under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you have to cancel, please phone ahead. The psychic has given up time for you.

  1. Get rid of distractions.

Make sure you schedule your time wisely.  Pick a time for your reading when you can give your whole mind and energy to your session. Eliminate all distractions.  Your advisor can’t help you if either of you can’t commit your full attention.

  1. Pick the type of reading you want.

Do a bit of advance research. If you are trying to talk to someone who has passed, you need to consult a medium.   If you want to connect with information that is just for you, you should consult someone who reads cards or uses astrology or numerology

  1. Know your prices

Just because a psychic charges a lot, doesn’t mean that they are necessarily better than one who charges a modest fee.  Price is not a good way  select a psychic. I the road pricing, but you can also find those who offer deals at psychic fairs, etc.

  1. Find the Right One for you

While it is not hard to find a psychic, it a little more difficult to find one with whom you can connect. A reputable psychic will not try to charge you to cast spells to bring back a lost love or remove a curse.

You should rely on word of mouth and referrals to help guide you to a good, trustworthy advisor.

  1. Have fun!

When you find a psychic you like, go! Open your self up to the possibilities and enjoy yourself.  Just let go, be open to the process and the flow of energy!

The truth from a psychic reading

When one is seeking some guidance from the spirit world, getting your tarot cards read is a fun way to get started.  Finding an experience card reader is easier than you might think as most have been practicing for many years. They will have their prices and fees all worked out. Most operate by appointment only.

The truth from a psychic reading You may want to schedule separate readings for the different facets of your life.  Remember that a tarot reader is going to give you advice, not a day by day account and prediction.

If you are looking for advice about dating, you will probably hear something akin to what you already know.  You may receive advice about how to learn from your previous mistakes and move on to a healthier relationship in the future.  You may also get information on what patterns you tend to veer towards when you pick a partner.   The cards will reveal what you have in your energy and spirit.

When you ask about for advice about work, you will more than likely hear about your satisfaction with your job. This is not uncommon and will probably direct you into taking a closer look at your own happiness and security.  This type of self-examination is important no matter where you are in your career.  Not everyone is ready to hear that they need to think about their life choices. Work is a big part of our lives and what is revealed in the cards will reflect that.

If you ask about where you stand with your friendships, you may hear  how your peer group may fluctuate. This is also natural because as adults, our priorities shift and your friends may be moving though the different major changes in their lives. This includes, marriage, children and career. It’s only natural for things to change in this arena. It is nothing personal. It’s just life.  But the cards are not to blame.

You may also hear about someone new in your life. This is also to be expected.

Bottom line: You don’t get your tarot cards read to get a prediction about your whole future. A card reading will help guide your through the issues in your life.   The things that are covered should lead you and guide you to some self-reflection.  It will more than likely reveal somethings you already knew. This information is yours to do with what you wish.  Leave yourself  open to the experience. And everyone can use good advice.

Are psychic readers real or fake? Can we trust them?

Are psychic readers real or fake? Can we trust them?

Are psychic readers real or fake? Can we trust them?Most psychic readers use other tools than intuition to provide us with psychic guidance. They use different divination tools including Tarot cards, crystal ball, numerology and astrology to give us specific personal details.

Some psychics communicate with spirit guides while others connect with our passed away loved ones. Psychics use various means and tools to get similar results. Eventually, they help us see our path ahead better.

5 myths about psychic readers:

Myth#1: psychics are able to read our minds

Psychics are energy readers not mind readers! A real psychic can read our feelings and energy. They can sense what decision is better for us to make, but they can’t know our date of birth, name, or place of birth. They make ask us to provide them with this information to help them provide you with deeper readings.

Psychic readers help us pick the right path and make the right choice, but they won’t know what your name is or your favorite movie is.

Myth#2: psychics know everything and they are available all the time

Are psychic readers real or fake? Can we trust them?Psychics are humans and they make mistakes. Psychic readers can’t be available all the time, they need some time for themselves. They need to recharge their batteries to be able to proceed.

Psychics are not super creatures. They are just normal people just like you and me, all they have is stronger spiritual powers and gifts, which they use to connect you with spirit guides and to read energy that surrounds you.

Myth#3: psychics can predict the future

Your future counts on your choices. The choices and decisions you make shape your future. Psychics are only able to read the future based on the information you give them in that particular moment. So, if you change the decision you make, your future will change accordingly. You have many possibilities, and you the only one who can decide which path to choose. The psychic reader only sees the right path for you, but they can’t enforce you.

Myth#4: intuition is all the psychic readers do!

Intuition is only a small part of being a psychic reader. Professional psychic reader has many skills and intuition is only one of them. They can read Tarot cards, crystal ball, palmistry, numerology, meditate and clear their mind to give a reading.

Psychic take years to enhance their skills to be professional enough and build a happy client base. They also specialize in one or two of psychic reading methods. Some of them specialize in Tarot card readings, other prefer palmistry, while choose to connect with spirit guides and passed away spirits.

Myth#5: Psychic readers and mediums are the same!

There is a big difference between psychic readers and psychic mediums. Psychic readers read Tarot cards, crystal ball, palms, and other reading methods to read the past, present, and the future. While psychic readers communicate with spirits and they require completely different skills.

Before choosing your psychic make sure to determine what you are looking for, whether to connect with your passed away ones, or to read the Tarot to know which path to choose, because not all psychics have the same psychic abilities. Make sure to check the psychic profile and know more about his or her psychic abilities and then decide.