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Understanding 111

Understanding 111

Numbers1 through 9 are numbers that have different vibrations, and they are considered universal numbers that are sent to give you a message. All numbers are important for some reason or another.

The way that numbers work in sequence can cause there to be openings in the spiritual world. This can include things such as dates such as 2/2, 4/4, 3/3, etc. When you look at the dates and you find the energy in them, you can see how they will affect your personal life. These numbers can change what is happening in your world.

Number 1

The number 1 can mean that you are going to have a ne beginning in something. It can mean that you are someone that is an individual and that you are able to do things on your own.

When you see the number 1 in your life, it can mean that you are needing to get away from what other people want form you and you are to ask the universe to help you to be on the right soul journey. It can even mean that you need to take time to spend alone time with yourself to grow.

This number is a karmic number, and it can mean that you need to change something in your life such as reach for a goal that you have made or become a leader and lead others correctly.

The number 1 number showing up can mean that there are things in your life that you need to solve and that you need to stop doing things the same and change the way that you think.

You will no longer need to doubt yourself, but you will need to reach of the stars, face challenges and stop letting the things form your past hold you back. This number will show you that you are strong.

When you see the number 1, it means that you need to start taking chances and you need to not be afraid. You need to take action so that you can get the things that you are asking in your life.

Number 11

The number 11 can mean that you are in a partnership with the world and that you are able to connect with people in your life.

Since 1 is a number that means, you are connected to the earth and connected to the universe, it shows you that the universal connector is this number.

11 means that you have peace and harmony and that you are working together and being strong in every direction.

When you see the number 11, look at who you are in partner with and find out if you are stable and balanced and if you give as much as you receive.

When you want to be in a successful relationship, you need to make sure that you are one with yourself and that you are able to connect with who you are and your inner being before you try to connect with others.

If the number 11 is coming to you often, it can mean that you are trying to find out what you believe in and that you have values that help to motivate you in what you do. It allows you to be free and allows you to be in partnership with others.

Remember that a partnership that is divine is a relationship that is amazing. This means that you are in a relationship that has a foundation based on spiritual things and if you want to find a relationship, the number 11 can show you that a soulmate is on its way to you.

Number 111

The number 111 is a sacred number, and it shows you that you have talents and gifts that is helping you along your journey. This is a gifting that you are to share with others.

When you see this number, it means that you need to develop your gift and that you need to stop neglecting the gifts that the universe has given you. Use joy when you choose your giftings and embrace them.

Being creative is a way that you can find happiness and you can open up your heart chakra to help you to be strong in your vibrations and to be able to be free of hurt or anger. This is a way that you can open the heart of others up as well.

The more creative that you are, the more you will inspire others, and this is a way that you can manifest your psychic gifts and learn to be sensitive to the spiritual world around you.

You can use this number to show a connection that you need to have with others and when you see a repeating number then you will have people in your life that will help you and encourage you.

You need to know that your giftings are from the universe and when you share your gifts with others, you will be doing what you are meant to be doing.

You should be excited about what is going on in your life and the purpose that you have. When you see 111 you will know that you are on the right path. Ask your gift to wake up and ask your guides to give you a gift of creativity and to show you the repetitive 111 number in your life.

Number 1111

One of the most important numbers that you can see in numerology is the 1111. This number means that you are on the way to being a master and to manifest things that you need in your life.

You will see this number often and it can come in different forms such as 11:11 or you can see it on a license plate or a billboard. You will be in alignment with the things around you and the universe will bless you and help you to have more abundance in your life.

The 1111 is based on synchronicities and you will know that the universe has sent things to you in a way that will help you. Trust that the universe is on your side and trust in the energy that this number will give you. Be positive and raise your vibrations with a good lifestyle.

You need to learn to use your talents and to trust yourself and your giftings. This can help you to be stronger and help you to see who you are. Chances are that if you see this number that you are a lightworker because this is the number of a lightworker.

Spiritual healers are ones that often see 1111 because they are able to look at different portals in life and they can bring happiness and peace to others. When a sign comes to you, pay attention to it.

Following Omens

When you are going through your awakening, chances are that you will see numbers that repeat. This is a time where you have to be aware of what is going on in your life. The universe will give you omens and will use a language such as repeating numbers to help you know if you are on the right path. You will know that you are aligned correctly when you see these numbers and there will be a soul cycle that helps you to know your own personal number.

The personal year number will change each January 1st, and this is part of your birth date. This will help you to know what your energy will be that year. There will be a theme that you can follow, and you can expect this based on the universal year and your birthdate.

If you are understanding in numerology, you know that your personal number will tell you what trends will happen in that year and what opportunities will come to you. You will see your personal year number and you will know what to expect.

If you have experienced numerology in your life and you are able to understand it, you will see that it can be a very accurate reading for you and can help you to enjoy your life journey even more than you have.

How to Tell Your Deceased Loved One is Trying to Connect

Deceased Loved One

Just because a loved one has passed on does not mean they do not wish to stay in contact. Since an audible voice may be virtually impossible, your loved ones can send signs from the other side. These signs will often increase in both frequency and size until you acknowledge and even focus on them. Look through the list below to learn about some of these signs of communication.


Spirits can inspire coins to randomly appear as a way to get our attention. These are usually found in odd places and are a message of prosperity or a form of encouragement to know your worth. Coins, especially pennies, may be found lying around the house, at the bottom of your purse, or as you walk down the street so it can be difficult to determine whether these are coincidences or spiritual intervention. When you do find coins, pay attention to any patterns that repeatedly appear and even the dates to see if there is a connection.

Family Dog

Animals can often easily pick up on the departed because they are more sensitive. When you notice your pet watching some invisible creature move about the room, when they whimper or growl in a certain direction, or when they act like they are playing with someone who is not there, they are likely recognizing spirits. Sometimes, animals simply behave this way, but when it is unusual, there is a chance your departed loved one have answered a call you made for spiritual intervention.


If you have ever noticed a strong fragrance or odor that had no source, this could be your loved one manifesting a scent you associate with them to let you know they are around. This could be a cologne, certain food smells, cigarette or pipe smells, or any unique scent.

Blown Lightbulbs

Spirits can easily manipulate electricity because spirits and electricity are forms of energy that are highly charged and vibrate at a higher frequency. To see if your loved one is trying to communicate, look for flickering lights in the house, random lightbulbs blowing out, or disturbances with electronics. These are often the spirits saying hello.


There are times when children say something totally insightful out of the blue. It appears they are wise beyond their years. This is because young children often serve as messengers for those who are departed. The departed easily connect with children because they live only in the present and are connected to their intuitive senses. They will openly relay messages from beyond without question or any form of judgment.

Love Songs

Your loved one who is departed may communicate with you through a song title or lyrics that remind you of a time you spent with them. They may be offering guidance or some form of clarity through a theme or message in songs. These are meant to help you with a specific situation.


Spirits often communicate when we are in an altered mental state like sleep because our thinking mind is turned down at the same time intuition is turned up. When visited by departed loved ones in dreams, they often leave a lasting impression that direct us in our waking life.


There are times when the departed use actual, literal signs to grab your attention. These signs can be actual signs like street signs, billboards, or even flyers that address some specific question that you have been asking. Signage is everywhere, so you must discern what messages are inspired and which are simply part of our daily lives. Trust your intuition to guide you.

Sky Formations

For many, rainbows are a personal sign from the other side. They are a symbol of Divine love. Try asking your departed loved ones for something specific and if a rainbow soon appears, remember you are connected and never alone.

Setting an intention to be open to signs is the top strategy for noticing them. It can be easy to dismiss them at first, but they will likely increase in frequency and even size if you keep looking.

Compatibility: Aquarius and Cancer

Compatibility: Aquarius and Cancer

The zodiac sign pairings can all work if you are willing to put in the effort and the connection between Cancer and Aquarius is the same, but it will be hard work. Cancer and Aquarius compatibility is such a challenge because both signs are self-focused, but their approaches are very different. Still, if both partners are willing to put in the work and be respectful of the other’s interests, there is a chance for this union. Cancer, ruled by the Moon and a water sign, will need to find communion with Aquarius that is a fixed air and ruled by Saturn and Uranus. This will not come easily. This will be explained a bit better below.

Passion (Score 1/5)

Cancer and Aquarius have different views on things like trust, sex, and vulnerability. Cancers are emotional and sensitive, believing intimacy is of greater importance than the act of sex. This means they focus on cuddling, sensuality, and warmth. Cancers are slow to open up, fearing judgment. By comparison, Aquarius are known to push boundaries, enjoy sex as an exploration of the mind and body, and crave new experiences. Aquarius is a fixed sign so they will struggle to look outside their liberal views about sex. This means Cancer can be slow while Aquarius takes it fast and the incompatibility can create difficulty with fulfillment and intimacy. To make things work, Cancer must step back to think about sex more often and Aquarians need to try to feel their partner more.

Communication (Score 3/5)

Compatibility in this area is good for Cancer and Aquarius because both signs have an attention to detail and the power to turn an idea into a reality. This drive and compromising ability to reach success are areas that are common. however, both signs are also opinionated so heated disagreements may occur, especially if Cancer is focused on a specific outcome. Cancers can get overly emotional while Aquarians are overly rational. Both are active thinkers, but may jump to conclusions when a rift already exists. To make the partnership work, both people must recognize, respect, and acknowledge their partner’s unique ideas. This can set up strong communication and closeness.

Feelings/Emotions (Score 1/5)

These signs struggle to connect emotionally as both feel strongly, but approach it in different ways. Ruled by the moon, Cancer is the most emotional of all the signs. They crave consistency and stability, but are also empathic, intuitive, and sensitive. This makes an emotional connection a top priority. Cancer sees relationships as an investment and will not let others in until they know trust exists. They will not let things go if something has deeply hurt them. Aquarians are disturbed by this emotional intensity because they are highly intellectual. To make the connection, the two signs need to build trust and be very communicative.

Beliefs (Score 2/5)

Cancer and Aquarius have very different philosophies. Cancers tend to be highly traditional, valuing home and family while living conservatively. Aquarians tend to be the rebels and innovators who want new technology, experiences, and ideas. Cancers want a stable place to nest, while Aquarians crave freedom and new horizons. These seems like opposites, but the two can teach each other a great deal about the world. When they indulge one another’s interests and allow time to recharge, they can manage adventure and stability.

Friendship (Score 3/5)

For these two signs, a platonic connection is probably the best and most compatible. They are both loyal and devoted to those they respect. While Cancers prefer to ground themselves, Aquarians are more eccentric in their life experiences and both can help the other learn to step outside their comfort zones. Their overall compatibility score is a two out of five.

How Does my Zodiac Sign Show Emotion?

How Does my Zodiac Sign Show Emotion?

People express their emotions uniquely.  Yet, it can be hard to understand why we might feel a certain way, or why a person reacts differently than another.  One explanation for how we process is emotions can be found in our zodiac sign.

Each zodiac sign conveys emotions based on the quality (cardinal, fixed, and mutable) and element (Air, Fire, Earth, and Water) of the sign.

Each element is reflected in three zodiac signs:

  • Air:  Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Each quality is reflected in four zodiac signs:

  • Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn):  Expresses emotion rapidly and desires control of their environment.
  • Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius):  Feels deep emotions, but can hide them well and set them aside indefinitely.  Attempts to control their emotions and reactions.
  • Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): Fluctuates emotions and readily adapts their expression.  These signs are the most flexible with present their thoughts and feelings.

Since there is a unique blend of quality and element for each zodiac sign, you will find a personalized mix qualities for just you based on the combination of your sun, moon, and ascendent signs.

Below we have discovered how each zodiac signs shows their emotional state:

  • Aries (fire and cardinal):  Rams are joyous kids at play during period of content.  They are charming and considerate when happy and motive others with their zest for life.  But when Mars is troubled, this sign will strike like a sudden thunderstorm.  Not just decorations, Aries can rear their horns quickly at another they deem as a threat.  When they feel profound negativity, the Ram may act paranoid.
  • Taurus (earth and fixed):  Bulls are gentle creatures that enjoy laughing.  But during times of stress, Venus encourages quiet solitude.  The stubborn Bull battles frustration until the point they risk breaking down every wall around them.  When enraged, it seems like smoke is pouring out of their noise as they show their horns and paw at the ground.  Ensure they don’t charge at you!
  • Gemini (air and mutable):  The twins possess great wisdom, but when combined with emotion, it can be volatile.  One moment they are engaging in enjoyment.  The next, they are bored, withdrawn, and trapped in the recesses of their mind.  The fluctuating nature of Mercury can cause over analysis and present as two-faced or unreliable.
  • Cancer (water and cardinal):  A crab’s moods can ebb and flow like the tide, but a hug helps them feel immediately better.  This deeply private sign waits until they know they are safe to show their true essence.  However, avoid their angry snapping claws when you’ve upset them.  When taken out of their environment they can soon turn cranky, moody, and withdrawn.
  • Leo (fire and fixed):  Driven by the sun’s warmth, Leos are magnetic and generous people.  Beware of the lion’s wrath as each lion will roar and show you who they think is boss.  They are overly dramatic, especially when they feel victimized, due to the strength of how the experience feelings and can quickly lose sight of the big picture.
  • Virgo (earth and mutable):  Ruled by Mercury, they are prone to brooding when sad or upset.  Give the virgin space to process and regain their cool.  Soon they will remember emotions are logical and not something that must be felt not thought about.  Be aware of the severely critical nature of these caring souls.  They can and will pick apart every detail about a person with a razor’s sharpness.
  • Libra (air and cardinal):  Venus rules the scales and so they will hide the extent of their feelings to protect themselves.  If feelings are suppressed too long, the scales will tip out of balance causing immense disruption.  In these arguments the other person will hear details of perceived limitations or failures, with uncharacterized cruelty it could severely damage a relationship.
  • Scorpio (water and fixed):  The Scorpion experiences profound and passionate feelings.  Love they feel for people is tangible and is show in their sincere kindness, gentleness, and sweetness.  Yet, when furious, a person must brace to be stung!  Hurt, grief, regret, and anger linger as a toxin deep within Scorpio, until they learn how to safely purge it.
  • Sagittarius (fire and mutable):  The archer can be blunt without being careless as the feel free to act in the manner of their choosing.  Yet, moments of depression can be length and intense.  Help calm Jupiter’s influence by letting this sign release steam so that avoid falling into addictive patterns where the rationalize this self-medication will mask the pain.
  • Capricorn (earth and cardinal):  Goats can be so nimble with their emotions people see them as cold.  This is a protection from their sensitivity due to the painful iciness of their pain, pessimism, fear, anxiety, and sadness.  This tundra resides deep within them every day, but with faith and hope Goats can embrace these feelings with enchanting stories to great the joyous and success life they desire.
  • Aquarius (air and fixed):  Water-Bearers marinate in feelings like a hot-spring bath or plunge into the icy cold river.  The sensations of their emotions cause intense expression whether hiding away their true feelings or showcasing a passion.  Yet, they must be careful not locked away their feelings for the sake of another, or risk toxicity.  By learning how to balance delaying a response to their emotions with handling them safely they can avoid becoming overwhelmed.  Prevent icing over a situation which will cause this sign to lose loved ones and opportunities forever.
  • Pisces (water and mutable):  Fishes thrive with going with the current.  This creates flexible to navigate empathy with their own needs.  Embracing the nature of water, Pisces can either be serene or stormy.  At times this sign will be exceptionally giving, loving, kind and psychically attuned to your needs.  Yet, pain, stress, depression, and worry will trap them in a whirlpool of thoughts obsessing over every negative facet.  They rely on faith to be their alchemy of transformation from a place of anxiety and fear to one of hopeful joy.

Psychic Readings for Every Zodiac Sign

Psychic Readings for Every Zodiac Sign

People may seek out psychics for different reasons but all psychics are not the same. Believe it or not, certain psychics are better than others for those under particular zodiac signs.

Once you learn what type of psychic is best for your sign, you can find one that will provide the most helpful and effective reading for you.

The 3 Psychic Styles

There are three styles that psychics prefer and most will fall mostly into one category:


These types of psychics tell it like it is, even if it initially hurts. They can take a “tough love” approach to get you into motion.


These types of psychics use a gentle approach, listen more, and are empathic. They will prod you in the direction that is best for you.


This style refers to a psychic that lifts you and becomes a cheerleader for you to achieve your desires.


Some psychics have the unique ability to use a combination of methods to meet their clients’ needs. This could be beneficial if your life situation changes, creating a need to change approaches.

Which One Should You Look For?

Your zodiac sign determines a lot about your personality and how you look at life. That affects how others approach you and guide you, including psychics. Below is the type of psychic that is best for each zodiac sign

  • Aries

Rams need an inspirational psychic as they tend to be conquerers and benefit from the positive energy of others. An inspirational psychic will boosts their confidence and energy.

  • Taurus

Those born under Taurus are as stubborn as bulls but are tender deep down so a compassionate psychic is best for them. Taurus-born people have a lot of inner strength and need someone gentle to soothe their souls.

  • Gemini

The straightforward approach works for Geminis. For instance, John Wayne was a Gemini and was capable of handling anything. Gemini twins don’t like sugar-coating it and want to get down to business.

  • Cancer

These hard-shelled people need a compassionate soul to reach their soft hearts. While Cancers can be distant Moon children and snap like their crab symbol, they are naturally empathic and long for a gentle, caring approach.

  • Leo

Leos, represented by the Lion, love to do well and shine in their goals. They have endless amounts of joy and love to share every good thing in their lives with those they cherish. They like psychics that help them change the world.

  • Virgo

Those born under this sign are ruled by Mercury and so they like a straightforward approach with all details laid out in order in a clean, crisp fashion. They want the facts organized so they can study them and miss nothing. Virgos want to see everything and create ways to reach the quality of life they desire.

  • Libra

Libras like balance and like to be surrounded by beautiful things. That means they do best with an inspirational psychic who coats them with heartfelt, compassionate words speaking beauty into their lives. Such psychics make Libras feel like they can manifest anything into their lives.

  • Scorpio

A key component of Scorpians is that they feel intensely. They are also perceptive and pick up on others’ vibes easily. These are people who have inner strength but their fuel for life is compassion. They need sweetness and a compassionate psychic is best for them.

  • Sagittarius

Those born under the Archer sign like things straight as an arrow. They have arrows of their own that they let fly at times and are capable of dodges others’ darts. They like frankness because it is second nature to them.

  • Capricorn

Capricorns are goats who just want the facts. They can take on difficult issues and then ask for more. They enjoy solving problems and value time, so they want it given to them straight so they can start work immediately.

  • Aquarius

Those who are born under this water-bearer image run on a unique type of cosmic energy and are supercharged by those who inspire them. They need an inspirational psychic to guide them and help them soar.

  • Pisces

Those born under the fish sign are swimming in loving-kindness and like to live in the mystic realms. They need a sensitive psychic to do a reading more than most. They like the deep water and search for eternal love.

Understanding how you operate in your personality will help you pick a psychic that guides you toward your best future. Any psychic needs to be able to relate to you because you put a lot of trust in them. Search until you find the one that resonates with you.

Using Your Intuition to Make Your Life Better

Using Your Intuition to Make Your Life Better

Everyone has some kind of intuition that helps to guide them in what they do. When people learn to listen to their intuition, they can be lead in the right direction and see that this information can lead them beyond what their rational brain can think.

Intuition comes in many ways such as a feeling, an image or even just a sensation on the body. Some people automatically know the answer when their intuition shines.

Looking at your past can help you to see how your intuition generally shows up. How can you tell when a decision that you have made is good or bad? As you learn to trust yourself and listen to your intuition, you will see that you can connect with this and learn to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Chances are that you will worry about your intuition because it will cause you to have to make changes that you normally wouldn’t make. It will speak to you through your feelings and then you might make the choice to make the right decision over something wrong.

If your intuition tells you something like to quit your job or to apply for another job, take steps into getting there and don’t just make immediate drastic choices.


People that listen to their intuition will be enthusiastic about the decision that they are going to make. They will feel excited about their new guide, and they will see that their intuition will never be boring.

To-Do Lists

When you have intuition, you will learn to visualize things immediately after you wake up. You will do what you can to have a good day, and this can mean making new relationships and finding out what things you can do to move towards a happy.

Dreaming of Answers

Before you go to bed, write down in your journal what you need help with. Ask questions and ask your guides to reveal things to you in your dreams.

Intuitive Walking

If you still have questions, go for a walk while concentrating on your intuition. Let it guide you and get the answers that you are seeking when you never even expect it.


Take time to journal what you are going through and what you are feeling. Learn to find out what you really need and to be clear about what you are asking for.

When you are clear with what you want and need, your body and your soul can help you to make the right decisions.

Watch your Talking

Learn to be positive and to make sure that you are paying attention to how you are talking. Practice being positive and let your intuition guide you. Figure out what you want and talk yourself into having peace and joy with your decisions.

Your intuition is a way to a new life and a meaningful situation. Be fulfilled in giving all that you have and listening to your inner voice.

Yoga for Opening Up Your Chakras

Opening Up Your Chakras

Most people have heard about the seven chakras that are found in the body. These chakras are the energy wheels in your body that go from your head down to your spine. When the chakras are balanced and working correctly, the energy will flow through the body and will keep you healthy.

Someone with blocked chakras will experience mental, physical, and emotional pain. The fourth chakra is called the Anahata, or the heart chakra. This is found in the middle of your chest and when it is blocked, you will have a hard time having good relationships.

How can you know if your heart chakra is blocked and how can you unblock it? The heart chakra is a Sanskrit word, “Anahata” which means to be unbeaten or unhurt. This is one of the seven main chakras in the body and is the place where you have love, compassion, forgiveness, and empathy for others.

The heart chakra is based around unconditional love and it is where you find your joy and your truth. You can express your love for others if you have a strong heart chakra. This chakra helps you to have a strong body and connects the lower and upper chakras.

The heart chakra is associated with the air element and as the air moves in and out of your spirit, it helps you to understand love and to connect with people and things around you. You can make this element strong by keeping your heart chakra free and flowing.

The heart chakra is associated with the green and pink color. This is energy that comes form the colors of the Sahara Rose and can help you to increase your vibrational frequency. The different colors are part of meditation and opening up the chakra.

The heart chakra will help you to find love and compassion if it is strong and open. You will be able to connect to the world around you and to experience relationships and life. If your heart chakra is open, it helps you to see beauty in the world and helps you to love yourself and others. This also helps you to accept things like your body shape.

If your heart chakra is blocked you will have mental, physical, and emotional pain.

Signs Your Heart Chakra is Blocked

You can know that your heart chakra is blocked because it can cause you to have sicknesses or diseases.

The heart chakra is part of different organs and parts of the body including:

  • The heart
  • Lungs
  • Circulation
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Hands

If your chakra is blocked, it can cause you to have high blood pressure, circulation problems, bronchitis, and other lung infections.

This energy, when blocked, will affect your mental state. It will cause you to feel unworthy and it will also cause you to:

  • Isolate yourself.
  • To feel like you are alone.
  • To have grudges against people that hurt you.
  • Be defensive.
  • Be afraid of intimacy.
  • Be a victim.
  • Be a rescuer.
  • Not trusting of others.

Balancing Your Heart Chakra

Your heart charka can be blocked but you can also balance it. Here are some ways to balance your heart chakra:

  • Be thankful.
  • Keep a thankful journal.
  • Meditate.
  • Be kind.
  • Use rose quartz.
  • Drink rose tea and cacao.
  • Use positive affirmations.

Having a healthy heart chakra is important to have an overall wellbeing. Your heart chakra is the center of your life and when you have an open-heart chakra, you will have love, compassion, kindness, empathy, and you will feel balanced. You will be able to open your heart to those around you, accept them and see the beauty in all people, including yourself.

Crystals for Every Empath

Crystals for Every Empath

People absorb the energies of other people and things around them. This can be overwhelming when the energies are negative. Crystals can help you to separate your feelings from other people and they can also help you to learn to balance your life and to keep your emotions in check. Crystals can help you to be grounded.


The crystal Hematite is a great stone that can help you to have strong emotions. This stone is a great stone if you are an empath. You can meditate while you are holding this stone and it will help to keep you safe.


This is a very pretty stone that will help you to have strong emotions and to balance your life when your emotions are out of control. This is a great stone for empaths and will help you to have clear feelings and will open up your third eye chakra.

Black Tourmaline

If you need protection, this stone is a great one to keep negative energies away from you. Carry this in your pocket or your purse whenever you need to be safe.


Keeping amethyst by your bed or in your pocket can help to keep you calm. This is a crystal that you should use if you want to keep your spiritual being strong.

This is a stone that can get power when left in the sun and it is easy to recharge.


This is a great stone for people that need to increase their emotions and to find peace and happiness. You can use this stone under your pillow or in the drawer beside your bed so that you can have peaceful sleep.


Crystals can help you in many ways. If you need protection, need to have your heart opened or you need to increase your giftings, using crystals can help you.

There are many different crystals to choose from and you can find the perfect ones for yourself by looking online.

Use your intuition when you are choosing a crystal and your intuition can help you to pick the crystal that will help you with whatever you need in your life.

Most people will find that crystals are easy to use, and they are easy to have close to them. This can be in the form or jewelry or it can be kept in a bag close to you or in your purse.

Learning Who You Were in a Past Life

Past Life

Most people have at least some curiosity about reincarnation and whether they have been to this planet before. One of the most common questions ask about this is “Who was I in the past life?” A quick online search will help you find a few quizzes to at least narrow down your gender, how you died, what country you were from, and possibly what you did. While this can be fun, the quizzes are limited in their ability to help us understand who we were and how we can use this knowledge to become more whole and heal. If you are serious about becoming happier and more balanced, learning about your past life, then keep reading.

Reincarnation is not what most people think. There is one issue that all religious, divine people focused upon. The point being that the mind is limited, the self an illusion, and that we are all the same at the core. If our identity is an illusion, how can reincarnation be possible? Reincarnation of the self is only as possible if you believe the sense of self is real. If you believe that you are your personality and separated from everything, you will believe the popular thought that your identity will be reborn into a new circumstance and body. Still, this could be considered another illusion that perpetuates based on the ego that only wants to survive in some form. Reincarnation is appealing to most because it reassures us that our egos remain after we die. Reincarnation is the process of recycling energy. The conscious essence that animates us goes away after death and is remade into something new. All of the memories, wounds, and lessons we have developed are left on the non-physical layer which is psychology as the collective unconscious. The new being is a fresh start, but as it matures, it has the job of healing the inherited wounds.

While it may not be possible for our personalities or identities reincarnate, we can still discover who we are in past lives because we are part of the same underlying consciousness. Put another way, we have been every person that has existed and we carry an imprint of their strengths and weaknesses. Much like inheriting mental, physical, and emotional information, it is possible to inherit spiritual maladies. As life matures, advances, and evolves, so do our emotions and spiritual lives. Collectively, we are all evolving and discovering our inherited core wounds so we can be happier and more fulfilled. In discovering these, we raise the vibrations of the world for the future. You may feel linked to a specific person, have flashbacks of many lives, or just have a sensation that you need to resolve something specific. Everyone is different.

Below are a few recommendations to help you uncover who you were in a past life:

  • Examine Nostalgia – Whatever attracts you, interests you, or creates nostalgia should be examined closely, even if it makes no sense at first.
  • Dream Repetition – Learn to distinguish between dreams and dreams that feel life like because this second thing may present a doorway into the collective unconscious. Repetitive dreams carry important messages and reveal what the subconscious is focused on or fixated with.
  • Set Repeated Intentions – Set an intention before trying to revisit your past life through self-hypnosis or meditating. Repeat your intention several times before going to sleep or in a meditating state.
  • Reflect on Those in Your Life – What powerful lessons, even if harsh, have those closest to you taught you? If there is a particular theme, you can probably sense it. We all enter life with a soul group that collectively work to resolve the karma that is accumulated. This is what the lessons are doing.
  • Stare Into Water or a Mirror – Using your reflection as a focal point enter into an altered state on consciousness. To do this, get into a comfortable position and dim the lights. Keep your intention in your mind, relax your gaze as you focus on your reflection. Make sure to hold eye contact, but gently. You can start with ten minutes, but can go as long as needed. As the time passes, your face will change shape and appearance, take note of what you see.
  • Connect the Dots – Using the practices above, explore your past life and inherited wounds. These are just a few basic exercises, but feel free to expand as you delve deeper.

5 Soul Contracts to End Today

Soul Contracts

Not every relationship you will have will be a healthy one.  Often, we can struggle with a relationship due to a Soul Contract. Soul Contract stop yourself from achieving necessary spiritual growth because you have unresolved issues with this person from a previous life.  Here are five common Soul Contracts that you may recognize in your life.  We will also include some critical steps you can begin to take today to break these disheartening and confusing patterns.

Soul Contract of Martyrdom

Are you type of person that finds it hard to say no?  Do you jeopardize your wellbeing in order to help another?  Maybe you feel like you can only be happy when everyone else is.  If these resonate with you, you are probably feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and underappreciated by others.  You would never want to be seen as selfish, but this is how the Martyrdom Soul Contract appears in life.  You will break this spiritual agreement when you learn to set health boundaries about who to help and when.

Soul Contract of Loyalty

Are you a steadfast support of everyone in your life no matter how they treat you?  You do find yourself making excuses for people’s mistreatment of you?  In this soul contract you may feel like a doormat by those that claim to love you.  You may struggle in changing unhealthy patterns or leaving, since you don’t want to disappoint the other person.  You conquer this spiritual hurdle when you can make the tough changes in your relationships in a way that honors your spirit.

Soul Contract of Loneliness

Does it seem like you are constantly searching for your missing half in life, only to find yourself in a series of heartbreak.  Are you willing to settle for bad blind dates or someone who know is no good for you because you fear being along for the rest of your life?  In this soul contract, your spirit is yoked the concept of feeling isolated, unworthy and distrustful of love.  This can even manifest in finding faults with potential healthy partners.  Master this contract by finding love and value within yourself.  External love can only find you when you claim your full worth.

Soul Contract of Anxiety

If feeling constantly anxious, nervous, or worried, you may be navigated a Soul Contract of Anxiety.  Stop waiting for disaster or swapping one worry for another.  The Divine wants you know you deserve to be happy and peaceful.  You may have created this contract in a past live because you wanted heightened senses or to avoid repeating a trauma.  Conquer this challenge by reconnecting with your intuition to guide you towards the right solutions for any occasion.

Soul Contract of Conformity

Are you afraid to be seen as different?  Do you follow rules compulsively?  You may have created this contract as a means to protect your soul.  Your spirit believes that by hanging back and blending in you will avoid conflict.  While it may have benefited you in a previous life, now it can cause tensions in your work life or empower your growth.  Let alone of what you expect people want you to be, and embrace your inner gifts.  Mastering this contract opens yourself up to an array of opportunities and accolades for your outstanding efforts.

How to purge soul contracts

Begin by taking inventory of your energy management and identify ways that promote peace or grounding in your life.  It will take some hard work to identify a soul contract and how it both hinders as well as helps you.  Realize both aspects will be important in creating steps to release this burden from your life.  Increase awareness to how the soul contract has created patterns in your life.  For example, if you suspect martyrdom, pay special attention to when you prioritize the needs of others ahead of your wellbeing.  With time you will better understand the patterns and how to adjust behaviors to create new results.

Following awareness, you will need to cultivate mindfulness and intentionality.  This will help you gain clarity to make smarter choices.  In martyrdom you may be frequently missing family dinners to have gatherings to watch sports with your partner.  The next time they want to go hang with the crew, take a pause before answering that you will join them.  Within that pause you have an opportunity to rewrite your story.  You can then mindfully choose to see your family or party with the crew.  Consider which is healthier for you in that moment.  With time and practice making smart decisions will become easier for you.  Before you know it, you will recognize the triggers of the contract and effects of going down old paths.  You will begin to master what works best for you! With greater awareness and practice, you will take vital steps to release it from you life and reclaim the joy and opportunities in your life.