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Manifesting Abundance in Your Life

Manifesting Abundance in Your Life

Do you want to manifest things in your life? Some people think that manifesting things to you is hard but the truth is, you have to be very deliberate and you have to make sure that what you want is something that your heart is really set on.

People all have their own ways of manifesting things in your life and sometimes the way that they do it is bad and sometimes it is good. Those that manifest in a bad way often times do not even realize what they are doing.

We can attract things to ourselves by the way that we create things. We have to figure out what we want in life and really identify it. Do not second guess what you want or change your mind. You have to be positive what you want.

The universe will not bring you what you want if you do not know what that is. You need to be completely clear on what you want and learn to send out to the universe positive things.

The Law of Attraction says that when you want to manifest things into your life, you have to be positive and speak positive into the universe. If you want to make more money, you need to tell the universe that you have money and that you love money. You have to be positive. Do not say things like, “I never have enough,” or “I can never make that much money.” When you say things that are negative, you are bringing negative things and not manifesting what you need.

One of the best ways to find abundance is to decide that you want to have money. You need to know what you want and what you love to do. What kind of talents do you have? Are there certain things that you are passionate about in your life? If you love these things and you have talents that can make these things happen, focus on them, and do not worry about how to make it happen.

Allow the universe to work for you and if you are in business, for example, focus on how you can grow your business and how you can get more money. Always be positive.

When you feel that you are ready to manifest money to yourself, learn to feel happy about the money that you have and what is about to be yours. When you claim that you already have the money, you can keep this feeling real and you will learn to send this energy to the universe. This will help you to work harder towards your goals and make your business grow right before your eyes.

Using your feelings and sending them to the universe will help you to bring abundance to yourself. You have to change your mindset and learn to allow yourself to call money to you. You have to tell the universe and show the universe what it feels like and how it looks. Make it as though you already have this money.

The last step in manifesting money to yourself is to make sure that you are grounded in your Root Chakra. The Root chakra is located at the bottom of the spine and goes all the way down to the earth.

When you are grounded, make sure that you use crystals that work with the earth element to keep you grounded. You can use the emerald, for example, because it is green like nature. Make sure that you send a grounding cord from your spine all the way into the earth. This will ground you and give you power and healing in your life.

You will never have power to manifest your wealth unless you are able to dream big and to believe in what you are asking the universe for.

Take the emerald light that you are sending to the earth and let it travel through your spine and all the way up your body. Let the light go from your feet all the way to your head. Let your body be healed and let your mind be calm and full of peace.

The emerald light will help you to be healed and will bring you money. Welcome the energy of manifestation into your life. This will come from the earth and into your body.

When you do all of these things, believe in yourself and in the universe. The universe is there to take care of you and to love you. Trust the universe and believe in divine timing.

Always be thankful for the things that you get and make sure that you are thankful for the universe and your spirit guides for helping you.

Stones to Heal Your Chakras

Stones to Heal Your Chakras

There are stones that are used for healing and these work with your energy field to help get rid of negative energies that surround you.  There are stones that you need to choose in order to make sure that your chakras are balanced and some of the best ones include Selenite and Kyanite.


Chakras are the energy fields that go throughout your body. There are seven main chakras and they are considered a spinning wheel of energy and they are associated with different colors. These chakras need to be balanced so that you can be healthy.

The chakras are invisible, and they go from the top of your head all the way to the bottom of your feet and they even extend outside of the body.

The chakras work with the different organs and glands in your body and just like the heart works with the veins and arteries, the chakras work with different parts of your body to help you be well.

Chakras have been found in Hindu texts since before 1500 B.C. and they are also found in other cultures such as the Greeks, Native Americans, Egyptians and more.

There are different sets of information that you can find online and in books about how impressive the chakras are and what kind of role they played in different cultures. The chakras are the part between your physical body and your mind, and they work with karma and other things that help your body to relate and help you to be whole.

Chakras are attached to the human energy field and they are there to help keep your energies strong and healthy. There are different parts of your body that your chakras are located.

The lower chakras work to keep you feeling secure, brave, and powerful and when they are unbalance, you will experience things such as fear, insecurity, and emotional problems. These chakras can be affected even from childhood and the way that you see them and take care of them is important.

Your higher chakras affect how the lower chakras work and you need to make sure that your chakras are unblocked so that energy can flow through your whole body.

7 Main Chakras

The Root chakra is found at the bottom of the spine and is associated with the red color. This works with the legs, feet, spine, adrenal glands and allows you to work through your issues of trust and to keep you feeling safe and brave.

When you feel that you don’t have enough money or you are afraid and full of stress, this chakra can be blocked.

Sacral Chakra

The chakra that is located near the belly button is the Sacral Charka. This works to keep your sexual organs strong and is part of the orange color.

This chakra helps control the bladder, kidneys, prostate and more and if it is blacked you will feel that you are abandoned and not able to make friends.

Having issues as a child of not being protected can make you feel guilty and shameful and not to be able to have relationships with others.

Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus chakra is found in the stomach and helps you to have good self-esteem and to be ablet o make good choices.

This chakra is associated with the color yellow and helps to keep the gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, and liver strong.

When this chakra is unbalanced, it causes you to refuse to try new things and it can cause you to gain or lose weight and to be depressed.

Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest and is what helps you to have love and emotions.

This chakra is represented by the color green and helps to keep the heart, lungs, arms, and shoulders strong.

When this chakra is blocked, it can make you not be able to receive or give love. If you have missed out on feeling loved or secure in your life, then you might have issues with your Heart chakra that will show by you not being able to accept love.

Throat Chakra

This chakra is located in your throat area and allows you to communicate and to be honest when you speak.

This is associated with the blue color and when you have problems with this chakra you will not be able to express how you feel and you will care too much about what other people think of you.

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is located in the middle of the forehead and between the eyes. This is where your intuition and other psychic gifts lie. This is the chakra that gives you wisdom and helps you discern things.

The color of the Third Eye is associated with the color indigo and works the pineal gland. When you have problems with this chakra you will not be aware of what you want, and you will not be creative, and you will lack imagination.

Crown Chakra

This chakra is located in the top of your head and connects your mind with the divine world. The color associated with this chakra is purples.

If you have issues with this chakra it means you do not know your purpose in life, and you have a hard time knowing what you want in life.

Cleansing the Chakras

You can use chakra stones so that you can cleanse your chakras. There are different chakra stones that can help you do this.

Activating the Chakra Stones

The intentions that you have will help you to easily activate the chakra stones. Hold the stone in your hand and close your eyes and ask the crystals to balance you and to be activated.

Using the Stones

There are different ways to use the chakra stones and the first way is to focus on the stone and to ask it to protect you. Imagine the energy filling you and surrounding you and let the color be bright.

The other method is to use the stone that is associated to the chakra color. Doing this can help you know that your chakra is strong and balanced.

Chakra Stone Meanings and Colors

Crown Chakra stones:

  • Clear Quartz
  • Herkimer Diamond
  • Clear Apophyllite
  • White Topaz
  • Selenite
  • Amethyst.

Third Eye Chakra stones:

  • Clear Quartz
  • Sugilite
  • Tanzanite
  • Amethyst
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Lepidolite
  • Fluorite

Throat Chakra stones:

  • Blue Lace Agate
  • Azurite
  • Sodalite
  • Aquamarine
  • Blue Kyanite
  • Turquoise

Heart Chakra stones:

  • Tourmaline
  • Green Kyanite
  • Peridot
  • Emerald
  • Rose Quartz
  • Green Aventurine
  • Peridot

Solar Plexus stones:

  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Citrine
  • Yellow Topaz
  • Amber
  • Pyrite

Sacral Chakra stones:

  • Sunstone
  • Amber
  • Carnelian
  • Coral
  • Orange Calcite

Root Chakra stones:

  • Black Tourmaline
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Red Jasper
  • Lodestone
  • Obsidian

It is important that you know that no matter what kind of stones you choose to use for your chakra that the stones can help you to balance your life and your chakras and to make your energy work out to keep you strong and healthy.



People in the Amazon rainforest or maybe even in mountains in Africa have heard of the spiritual practices of Shamanism, but what about you? Shamanism is a spiritual practice that works with the environment and gives you a sense of relevance in your life today.

Before the gods

Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual practices that exists. It has been around for over 30,000 years and is dated back even longer than that. It was once called animism which is predated to other religions and was believed to be there before any modern religion or god was known.

Some believe that animism was developed because of the relatives that have died in ancient tribes and came to the dreams. The dreams were there to help the people understand the human soul and it developed into different beliefs such as the belief in the moon, stars, storms, and other things.

Shamanism is a set of believes that have changed over time. The tribe healer was the shaman and could communicate with the spirits and give balance to the people.

When balance was restored, the shaman could heal people that were sick and bring nature into balance.


In order to restore the balance, the shaman would work with the spirits and would do different things with the universe. They would use all of the materials that the universe gave them.

Sufis were known as the divine and had energy such as psychics, but the shaman was there before the Sufis and knew the spirits. The shamans were able to talk to the spirit world and to have change.

Here are some things the shaman could do:

  • Fast
  • Breathwork
  • Sweat lodges
  • Music
  • Drumming
  • Using plants
  • Isolating

All of these rituals changed the energies around them and allowed them to travel beyond the material world.

Three Spirit Worlds

The shaman would be able to enter a different state of mind during their rituals and this would allow them to travel to different dimensions. They would talk to their spirit guides or their spirit animals.

Their spirit guides were those that would teach them and help them on their path. They would give them understanding and balance when they did not understand what was going on in the physical world.

The spirit animals would be there to help the shaman and to protect them. They would reconnect their deep spirit parts and would help to travel with them in the lower, middle, and upper worlds.

Lower World

The lower world was where evil existed. This was a world where the shaman could communicate with nature and talk to things such as the river and the mountains.

When the shaman traveled and meditate through different planes, they could do special things such as swim at the bottom of the ocean or fly through the jungle. The spirit animals helped them in this world.

Middle World

The middle world was where the shaman would begin their journey. They would communicate with the spirits of the moon, animals, and people.

Traveling there was like being in the regular world and would allow the shaman to talk to the deceased who had crossed over. This was not an evil or a good world and was a place where spirits would not be taken seriously. This was the place of the mind and the ego.

Upper World

The upper world was a place that was like a dream. It was different than the world and the earth.

Being in the upper world was a place where you could find your true self and where you would be accompanied by spiritual teachers and guides that would help to bring you knowledge and healing.

This was a place where the animals were like people and the superconscious mind took place.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is a place of rebirth and a place where sickness and pain could be healed. It was believed that sickness came from three places:

  • Fear
  • Disharmony
  • Soul Loss

Fear is one of the common reasons that people become sick. Based on anger, jealousy, hurt, and insecurity is fear, and this is where most sicknesses come from. There is a connection between mental health and physical health.

When there is disharmony then the balance in your life is changed and this can cause mental and physical sickness. There has to be balanced to be healthy.

Soul loss can be caused by disharmony and can happen when something traumatic happens. This can result in the feelings of being empty and being sick and sad.

Shamanic healing is there to help to heal those that have these kinds of illnesses. This kind of healing is where the shaman reaches out to the spirit world and asks for there to be healing. The shaman can restore balance and heal the body.


The goal of the shaman is to bring balance to all the things that he comes across. He wants to see people survive.

It is believed that there is a shamanic spirit in everyone and that everyone is there to bring spiritual healing on their journey. The inner shaman can be found when you learn to meditate and connect to the spirit world. Learn to open up your conscious mind of the shaman consciousness and embrace the idea of healing yourself and others.

Breaking Free of Karmic Relationships

Breaking Free of Karmic Relationships

When you are with someone in a karmic relationship, this can mean that something lights up in your soul. This can be something that you have to face, and you have to understand what to do with it. Maybe you see someone, and you feel that you have known them before and maybe you are in a relationship with them and it is upsetting and intense. You will see that a karmic connection is more than just a connection and it goes way deep into the surface.


Being with someone or something that is familiar to you does not mean it is good for you. Maybe the situation makes you feel comfortable, but it limits you from being the best you can be. If you have a problem with self-esteem, you will think that anything is good for you and you will not do what you are worthy of.

If you feel safe in a relationship just because of your past, this can mean you are putting up walls and you have not solved these self-issues yet.

Being in a karmic relationship can cause you to be sucked into patterns that keep happening. They can come over and over again and they can be different than what you wish for or what you want but you will keep repeating them.

When you start new patterns, it will be more effective, but it will cause you to have to put effort in it and see things in a different light. You will have a hard time with this, especially if you have self-esteem issues, but you can do it.

You might wonder if you are someone than you thought, or you might feel that your friends and family are unhappy or even threatened by you because of your change. You have to break free from these karmic bonds to find happiness.

Love Versus Karma

Love and karma can be two different things. Karma can be a rollercoaster relationship that has both ups and downs, but a real love relationship should be full of love, peace, happiness and more. You should have mutual respect and kindness for each other.

In a karmic relationship, someone might hurt you on purpose and even if the sex is great, it does not mean that the fights are easy to take and you might feel that the fights are so bad that they are sometimes unforgivable. A karmic relationship can be intense and can be hard to deal with.

Karmic relationship tricks you into feeling that you are meant to be with this person. There are thousands of people that are stuck in karmic relationships and these are people that will often keep getting back in the same relationship because they think that they can change the person or that things will be better this time around.

These relationships are to teach you a lesson so that you can move on.


One thing that has to happen is that you have to accept that you are in a karmic relationship. You need to make sure that you are not being fooled into thinking that you are in love with this person or to let them control you.

Karma is addictive and you have to learn that it has a purpose only to teach you a lesson and not to make you happy or whole.

Your friends and your family will point out that your relationship is wrong and toxic, but you have to learn to accept it and believe them. You might know in your heart that they are right, but your body and your mind still want to be with this person. You become a slave to the karmic relationship.

The good news though is that when you begin to realize that you are in a karmic relationship, then you can break it. You can realize that you are strong and that you really want to find love and not what you have going on in your life.


You have to realize that you can learn to get on the right path. You have to pay your karmic debts and this can be a lonely place to be, but when you choose to take charge of the situation and learn from it, you can move forward with someone that really loves you and find happiness.

Next Time

If you want to break the pattern of a karmic relationship, you need to change. Change is what causes these relationships to be broken. Once you choose to change and build your self-esteem, you can move on in your life and find real joy.

Karmic relationships will be hurtful, and you will learn that there is pain and hurt in each of these, but they will make you wise and stronger.

Being aware of what karma does will help you to learn the lesson that the universe wants you to learn. If things do not get resolved though, know that you will be right back to where you were at the beginning.

Not Again

When you are brave enough to change your karma and to pay your karmic debt, you can know that your soul, mind, and body will change. This is because you will take charge of the situation and you will be able to let go of the burden on your life.

Talking to someone about your needs and your wishes and being kind will help you to move forward. Make sure that you do not be unkind and unforgiving, or you will keep these karmic ties bound to you.

Once you learned your lesson, your heart will know that it is time to move forward and time for you to find your destiny in life.

Four Reasons a Soul May Come Back

Four Reasons a Soul May Come Back

Those who believe in reincarnation believe that souls come back to earth for a purpose. The ultimate purpose is to learn, but you may wonder what is it I am supposed to learn? To answer that question, you must understand the basic ideas around the soul and reincarnation.

The purpose of every soul is to love conditionally. This is the essence of the universe and what calls us to be at peace. However, learning to love unconditionally can be problematic because we are not good at it. It takes practice. Those who believe in reincarnation believe this is why people come back in other lives, to practice and get it right. Every soul comes to early with a divine plan and purpose but the goal is to put the consciousness of love into our daily lives and in all that we do. That can be difficult with free will and following earthly desires rather than higher vibration desires can slow your progress into true spirituality.

With that in mind, there are four aspects of learning the soul must conquer to achieve the goal of ultimate peace and enlightenment.

Lessons for the Soul

Many opportunities to learn lessons exist on earth. Those who believe in reincarnation state we can choose the life we will live before we are born and we choose based on what we think will be the best ways for us to practice love. In these decisions, relationships are the foundation for any life as they present ways to learn like no other. Most of our learning will involve relationships whether it is family, spouses, friends, or co-workers.

Families and Social Groups

Many people come back because they haven’t learned how to love through those closest to them, which are their families. Some families are awesome because they get along, and value each other. Dysfunctional situations show that the group is still learning and the lessons may be extremely difficult to learn. Family members often present the most obstacles to your faith path but can be tremendous teachers too.

Families are where we learn how to love correctly. They are the first relationships we build and we judge all others by them. A family’s view of us is often how many of us define ourselves and sometimes that is incorrect.


There is nothing more intimate than two souls sharing one life. These are people drawn to each other and live as one, whether married or not. These relationships are beneficial to both because each learns from the other and, more often than not, one fills in a strength where the other has a weakness. Soul mates help us discover the truth of ourselves and the universe when we may have missed it on our own.


Friends offer a rich source of information and learning that can’t be found anywhere else. That makes them an important part of your reincarnation plan. Those who hold to the reincarnation idea believe that soul groups plan out their lives together in the spirit world. They decide how they can help each other when they come back to earth and what lessons they can teach each other. Issues of trust, respect, and gratitude are worked out over the various lifetimes.

One thing to remember about friendships is it involves the law of attraction where you attract those most like you. That can be good or bad, depending on your positivity or negativity. It is best to opt for love and acceptance so those are the ones we bring into our lives.

Developing Mindfulness

Those who are attuned to life lessons will gain a sense of mindfulness and intention. This helps them make better choices and have better interactions. It also helps people live from their heart, where compassion and understanding reside, rather than the head that contains criticism and judgment.

Once we see others as taking the same journey as us, we can offer more compassion and exhibit more love. Changing that perspective will raise vibrational energy and that shifts your entire environment. The changes in us will also change every relationship we have and that can inspire us and others.

Love Between Two Empaths

Love Between Two Empaths

Love is a powerful force, but never more so than when love occurs between two empaths.  By the simple fact that empaths experience the world around them more acutely, a romance between two such souls can lead to this couple knowing what each other thinks, feels and dreams.  They understand both all that is said and shown, as well as all that lies deep beneath the surface.

Partners go beyond just “getting” what each other is talking about to a point they can physically feel the realities of each other’s existence.  This leads to a remarkable profound level of knowing.  Prior to this love, the partner might have felt like they were vastly different from the rest of society.  In fact, empaths report feeling very lonely due to their unique perspective on the world and extreme reactions to both internal and external stimuli.  When they finally meet its like the world becomes a bit brighter and clearer.  Even if a couple has a number of differences, they quickly melt away as each partner is able to see the world through the other’s eyes, and perhaps physically feel how they experience life.  This is a major blessings and awe-causing sensation.

Sharing happiness creates bliss

Can you recall how you know how something makes you extremely excited and joyful?  Now think about the ability to share it with your significant other.  This is reality for empaths!

You’ll treasure your furbabies

Empaths have an unwavering love of animals and desire animal companionship.  When two empaths build a home together, they will prioritize bringing in a furry, feathery, or fuzzy friend into the family!  Heaven for this duo is a night together on the coach cuddling with your furbabies or perhaps running an animal sanctuary or rescue organization together.

Gifted nurturers

A common trait for empaths is prioritizing the need of others ahead of their own.  Two empaths falling in love means each other’s hearts will be well guarded and tended.  Consider how making your partner’s happiness and health the utmost priority can translate into them make YOUR happiness and health the utmost priority to THEM!  Now add how you can directly experience each other’s emotions and feelings and how that correlates to personally understanding their unique needs.  That is powerful stuff!

This means if one of you is sick, the other will know exactly what treatment or comfort can help you feel better.  Or maybe one of you is having a rough day at work, and suddenly a surprised bouquet of flowers is delivered because the other sense this stress.  By anticipating each other’s needs, even before one realizes it themselves, an awesome about of love, attention and support will be ever flowing!

Mind-blowing sex

When empaths get physical it will feel like one person won’t know where they begin and the other person ends.  The energy is always so palpable.  Similar to how empaths can anticipate a person’s emotional needs, so too can this translate into the bedroom dynamics.  When enjoying physical displays of affection both individual will be focused on the other’s pleasure and posses the ability to predict their lover’s every want or need.  This couple is totally in the moment during this time and their hyper-focus creates an unbreakable intimacy.  By merging energies with other, the love two empaths will experience together is truly miraculous.

Getting Answers from the Spiritual Realm

Getting Answers from the Spiritual Realm

Many people today want answers and feel the spiritual realm is the place to get them. It can also be a place of guidance and comfort and that brings many people to spiritualists such as mediums and psychics.

Is There a Difference?

Before you go to a spiritualist, it is best to know something about the different varieties of them so you can find one that meets your needs. Many people think mediums and psychics are the same things. They aren’t. There are also different types of psychics.

The basic definition is mediums deal with spirits or spirit guides while psychics read a person’s inner spirit. Mediums can have psychic abilities but they may not. Some psychics communicate with spirits while others do not.

Mediums can hear spirits through two methods, either mentally or physically. Most report they hear words, see pictures, or feel things in their mind. However, some can force spiritual energy to appear where they are viewed by everyone.

While mediums go into another realm to get answers, psychics concentrate on their client’s inner spirit and how that inner spirit reacts and deals with exterior conditions in life. This can link the past with the future. Psychics made a connection with their clients to get answers.

History of Spiritual Communication

There is a long history of connecting with spirits on earth. It is mentioned in the Old Testament and the ancient Egyptians were fervent believers in obtaining favor and influence from the dead. Australia’s aborigines and Native Americans also incorporated spiritual communication into their belief system.

In America, communicating with spirits became popular in the 1800s and we still have an image of a seance in a Victorian parlor or a carnival fortune teller. These images have made many reluctant to consider the idea of consulting a professional medium or psychic out of fear or the thought they would be ridiculed.

Methods Used

Many have the image of a spiritualist using a crystal ball, but this is a false image. Jewish mysticism used a bowl of water and Druids used herbs and natural components to read the future. However, today spiritualists use a combination of things.

Mediums like objects to hold to draw energy. It could be a picture, a piece of jewelry, or a letter. It is typically an object that was of importance to those they are trying to contact. Psychics typically use tarot cards as a tool. Card imagery is expected to reveal the seeker’s innermost thoughts and feelings and behaviors that are causing issues. A card spread may identify underlying issues and several possible future scenarios. It provides a beginning place for the seeker to take action to guide his or her future through the various scenarios.

Who to Choose?

Whether you choose a medium or psychic depends on your situation. People tend to go to mediums to connect with loved ones. They could have a difficult time with grief or have an unresolved issue and a medium can provide a sense of completion or comfort.

Others choose psychics because they have decisions to make and need some assistance to figure out the best option. They could also have a problem to sort through and desire to know how to handle the situation.

Whichever you choose, understand that mediums and psychics are there merely for guidance. While the spiritual world can offer different options and help in healing in some areas, it is up to you to make decisions that affect your life.

Where Each Zodiac Sign Will Discover Their Soulmate

Where Each Zodiac Sign Will Discover Their Soulmate

Looking for love can be an adventure, filled with the highest of highs and lowest of lows.  If you are hoping to expedite your journey to lasting love consider using the zodiac.  We have compiled a list of where and how each sign can discover their soulmate.


You love being in a crowd, so it makes sense that you would discover your partner in a public space.  This public domain can be large or small, so explore the latest hotspot or take your friend up on that party invite!

The ideal partner for Aries is often an Aquarius.  Aquarius is sign filled with free spirits that enjoy savoring the finer things in life.  They are open to people of all walks of life and always game to explore a new adventure with you.


You are a seeker of comfort and quiet.  Ditch any venue that encourages a crowd, and seek a safe where people can leisurely mingle.  Great locations include art exhibitions or a stroll in a country shop.  The ideal partner for you is another earth sign, Virgo.  Virgos, although busy exhibit excellent time management.  They are on the go, but always know exactly what they want in life.


Gemini are extraordinary people.  They enjoy Avant Garde spaces like an extreme sports event, or sushi making class.  You are open to meeting someone in any venue as long as they honor your values.  Libras can help balance out your intensity and provide you a sense of peace, calmness and love.


Cancers are creatures of habit and typically meet their partners in well-established places.  This includes meeting a partner at a home-based party or through a mutual friend.  It is common for Cancers to find love during celebrations with friends and family.  Pisces might make a perfect soul mate for Cancer.


Leos with their unpredictable nature can encounter their soul mate at any moment.   Often love will find them when they are enjoying nature such as during a daily run, or chance encounter at the dog park.  There is a unique chemistry for Leo and Aquarius who often find each other in unexpected, and exciting ways.


Virgos with their stellar work ethic typically find romance in the office or business world.  This is helpful because it shows a commitment to shared values and often loyalty.  An ideal partner for Virgo is Capricorn due to high levels of mutual understanding and common interests.  Typically love with blossom in quiet and intimate spaces.


Libra thrives on exploring the beauty of nature and discovering new cultures.  Therefore, love finds Libra away from the home and often in vibrant locales.  Libra who often offers sage advice should be ready to understand a hidden agenda for people seeking out your listening skills.  Leos offer Libra passion and excitement.  This relationship can be successful because Libra is able to amuse themselves while Leo can be distracted seeking the limelight.


Scorpios have a natural ebb and flow when it comes to being around people.  To maintain interest with a Scorpio, frequent places where you both can participate in a shared favorite activity.  Scorpio flourishes with other water signs like Pisces, or Cancer, whose prioritize a harmonious relationship.


Sagittarius can discover love anywhere, but to launch a relationship focus on exciting places like a sporting event.  Sagittarius requires a strong partner, like an Aries or Leo, to balance out their adventurous spirit.


Capricorns find love most easily when they are participating in activities that enhance their sense of self-esteem, such as in church or during a yoga practice.  Stalwart Capricorn makes an excellent union Taurus, where they can foster a strong intimate and emotional bond.


These creativity individuals often find love in space they can fully express themselves such as at a theme party.  When an Aquarian finds a magnetic connection with a person, they are incapable of pulling away!  One of the most frequent lovers is Aries.  Aquarius thrived on learning from Aries and healthy competition ensures there will always be passion in the relationship.


Pisces love peace and introspection.  It’s no wonder that they often find love at the library! Pisces can strike the right romance chord with Scorpio.

Psychic Self-Defense to Battle that Drained Feeling

Psychic Self-Defense to Battle that Drained Feeling

Psychic self-defense is a highly important topic. It is useful for the every day as you open yourself up to a world of energy with things that need your awareness and precautions need to be taken overall. When you open yourself up, you become a spot for energy to be place, positive and negative. You must learn to protect yourself from predatory energy that comes from the world and the other side.

Television Attack

There are numerous reasons to be on the defense psychically 24 hours a day. For example, when watching television, it is often for mindless entertainment, not to be involved in someone else’s issues. Still, we are under attack each time it is turned on. Think about watching your favorite show and then someone walks into your home and tells you that you cannot sleep due to a some disease or your bedroom to tell you that sexual dysfunction can be corrected. Perhaps in a pivotal show moment, a lizard strolls in and tells you how to save money on insurance. While we would find these things in real life odd and confusing, we let them into our minds on television regularly.

We secure our homes to keep unwelcomed visitors out, but we allow commercials to invade our mins and homes daily. Advertisers pay for shows that are produced and aired because this is how television works. However, we pay for it metaphysically.

Imagine lying in be exhausted and depleted, simply wanting to watch a show to decompress. Perhaps the news is the first thing on and this is where the attack begins. You may simply want to catch up on world events, but the news is rarely positive in any way. In a twenty-ish minute broadcast our minds are invaded with scandals, politicians, a poor economy, and even war. This is on the news because bad news is what sells. This is just how we are as people with no real blame for wanting to know this stuff. We may think about what it is like to be in a given situation and in this, we open ourselves up. Then, as we fall asleep, that negative energy is still inside of us, permeating and infiltrating our psyche. This could lead to violent or uncomfortable dreams, but in the upcoming days, the poison will be released in your body.

You may begin reacting to fear over what was seen as if it were actually happening to you or consider changing insurance companies, even though there is no need. This does not mean you must bury your head in the sand, but that you must be more aware of what is let in your life and mind. If you must watch television, try comedies or cartoons. Otherwise, try meditation or music to relax and create a positive sleeping space. Choose what is allowed in as a form of self-protection.

Guarding Your Aura

Psychic protection helps maintain the energy in the aura field as well as keeping others from having a negative effect or raining energies. We need to be aware and protect ourselves from those in our daily lives, especially those who suck energy out of us like vampires. If we are aware, we can limit exposure to these people because we often do not realize it is happening.

We become aware by being mindful and studying behaviors. We protect ourselves. We need to wear psychic self-defense suits when dealing with people who are energy drains. There are just normal people who lack energy in their own lives without the idea that they can drain others. When this happens, you are likely to take on their emotion and pain without even realizing it. So be aware of these leeches and make sure you are not one. Protect yourself by keeping a distance when possible, especially when you are feeling low. Take plenty of time to meditate and pray so you are protected and then go through life, keeping your guard up when someone draining is around.

Being a Lightworker

Being a psychic

If you have the desire to help others or if you feel that you are called to contribute good to the world, chances are that you could be a lightworker.  A lightworker has a calling from the universe and it is someone that is mean to do spiritual services.

If you feel that the Earth needs your help and that you have values that make you feel fake to this world, these can also be signs, and this can be your purpose.  Serving others and doing something good for the world can be your conscious way of having a purpose.

When a lightworker wonders how they can help out in the world and what good they can do, they must first understand their purpose.


A purpose is who you are and what you are and not what you do.  The spirit guides will show you what your soul purpose is and when you find out about your purpose, you will see that you have different attributes that allow you to work tasks and to do them well, because that is what you are meant to do.

Who You Are

You can never estimate who you really are, and you will never see yourself as the universe sees you.  What you achieve by just being you is an amazing thing and is a blessing to others.

Even when you don’t know it, people all around you appreciate your kindness and the effort that you put into being who you are.  All of the positive energies that you leave in the universe through your healing and through your compassion allows you to impact people in both large and small ways.

You don’t have to ask if you are doing good, when you work through other peoples suffering with actions and care, you are doing what you are meant to do.


When you question what is good and special about you then you will find yourself looking deeper into your calling.  Your calling is to love others and to contribute your time and effort to people in need.

Are you kind, caring, compassionate and a leader to many?  If you are, then you are connected to the heart.  Many people will not understand this and if you can pay attention to this question then you can see that you can be your higher self and that the spirit world will connect and communicate with you.

Personal Life

What is interesting about you that you love about yourself?  Do you have energies that make your personal life feel good?  Do you listen to others and help them with their problems?  Do you feel what they feel and use your energies as healing energies?  Sometimes when you are dedicated to people, you can help them to heal.

You might find that the energies that your life gives you helps you to attract people that are in need of you and can use your help.  You can be in a career that is the right career for you, and this can help to show you what your true passions and talents really are.

In order to find your calling, you have to figure out how to find a moment that is good for you and something that brings you happiness and not despair.  You need to work to get to this point in your life so you can live out your purpose and be fulfilled.


When you are looking into the perfect career for yourself, you need to ask yourself these questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What can I do to help?
  • Am I good around friends and family?
  • How do I feel about strangers?
  • What is special about me that others don’t have?


Another way to figure out what you are supposed to do is to look at your past jobs.  What did you do that made you feel happy and fulfilled?  Did you train in some type of healing job such as a nurse or a doctor?  Were you a teacher that would impart knowledge to others that want to grow and develop?

If you have never had a job that you liked very much, chances are that you never found your real calling.  Try to do things you have never done and to try out new hobbies and see if they make you happy and make you feel loved.


When there blocks in your life, they hold you back and keep you from finding what your true calling is.  There are different blocks and reasons that we have these blocks.


If you have a hard time accepting who you are then you will have a block in your life that keeps you from fulfilling things.  You will see that you are doing things, but you won’t see that it holds value.  You have to learn to find what your calling is and to accept yourself for who you are.

Once you are able to be who you are, you will realize that you are attractive to others and you will make more friends and be in a position to find your dream job.

Who You Are

Sometimes a person can become full of self-doubt and pain and they will not know who they are anymore.  They find that they are not tuning into the spirit world and this is causing blocks in their life.

You have to get back in touch with yourself and figure out what you really want.  Connect to the spirit world and find out.


Most people have different beliefs and they have a hard time believing that their job is something of value.  Most people have jobs that can help to meet the bills and the needs.

Once you know who you are and you look at the calling on your life, you will use your gift to help others and to find what you are meant to be.


You can find the right calling when you accept that you have value.  You have to commit to your life and have self-acceptance in your life.  You need to increase your self-esteem and you can do this by reaching out to others and doing activities that allow you to express yourself.

Go on a journey and discover what your true self is, who you want to be, what is different about you and what jobs you would love to have and what you want to do that is fulfilling in your personal life.  By doing this, you can express who you are and know who you are and what true reasons that you have for being in the universe.